小狗险命丧河中 婚礼客人紧急营救
小狗险命丧河中 婚礼客人紧急营救

There was a wedding(婚礼) by a river. And many guests(宾客) were enjoying themselves.

Suddenly, one guest found a dog in need of help. It was in danger of falling into the river. A man ran over to help the dog. It was not easy to save it. But that didn’t prevent the man from helping the dog!

He took his beautiful coat off quickly. Then he began to help. He laid down(趴下) and reached out his hand to catch the dog. But that didn’t work. Another guest joined. With the help, the man caught the dog and saved it. At first the dog was afraid. But a few minutes later, it followed the two guests happily, as if to say, “   △   !”


1.What did a guest find during the wedding?

A A dog ate their cake.

B A dog was in the river.

C A dog looked happy.

D A dog was in danger.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“It was in danger of falling into the river”可知,婚礼过程中,客人发现了一条狗正处于危险中。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “prevent” mean?

A Stop.

B Bring.

C Learn.

D Share.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据前一句“It was not easy to save it”以和“But that didn’t...”以及后面描述的救小狗的内容可知,救下这只小狗不容易,但这并没有“阻止”这个男人救它。故选A。

3.What did the man do before helping the dog?

A He sang a song.

B He caught the dog.

C He took off his coat.

D He called the police.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二句“He took his beautiful coat off quickly. Then he began to help.”可知,这个男人去救小狗前脱下了他的外套。故选C。

4._________ guest(s) helped the dog.

A One

B Two

C Three

D Four

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第三段的“Another guest joined”可知之前有一个男人在救狗,后来又有另一名客人加入,两名客人一起帮忙救下了这条小狗。故选B。

5.Which can be put in the “ △ ”?

A Sorry

B Hello

C Bye-bye

D Thank you
