
Extreme high temperatures can be macabre. They may hurt or even kill people. As summer arrives, how can we stay safe in very hot weather? Doctors give us some advice on that.

First, be prepared:

▲Do not use a fan as your main cooling device(设备). It creates airflow(气流) and might keep you comfortable, but it does not reduce your body temperature.

▲Stay in the air conditioning. If you are outside, search for cool places in the community you can go, such as libraries, malls or cooling centers.

During extreme heat, remember:

▲Drink plenty of water even if you don’t feel thirsty.

▲You should reduce outdoor activities as much as possible, but if you do go out, wear loose and light-colored clothing.

▲A cool shower or bath can help you cool down.

▲Watch for the signs of heat stroke(中暑). These can include red, hot and dry skin with no sweat. Also looks for a rapid, strong pulse and dizziness.

What should you do if you see signs of heat stroke? Here’s advice:

If you see any of these signs in anyone, you may be dealing with a life-threatening emergency—you should get medical attention as soon as possible. While waiting for the doctors, try to cool the person down.

▲Get the person out of the sun.

▲Lower his/her body temperature by putting him/her in a shower with cool water. You can also wrap(包裹) the person in a wet sheet(床单).


1.What does the underlined word “macabre” probably mean?

A Unexpected.

B Humorous.

C Terrible.

D Excited.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据第一段第二句“They may hurt or even kill people.”可知极高温可能会伤人甚至让人死亡,即它是“可怕的”。故选C。

2.Bill is outside on a hot day, and he can go to _________ to keep himself cool.

A the library

B the playground

C the sports center

D the zoo

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据文章第一部分的“If you are outside, search for cool places in the community you can go, such as libraries, malls or cooling centers.”可知,在外面的时候,可以去找些凉快的地方,比如图书馆、商场或者避暑中心。故选A。

3.What should we do to keep cool on a hot summer day?

A Drink water when thirsty.

B Go out with a sweater.

C Take some medicine.

D Have a cool bath.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二部分第三点“A cool shower or bath can help you cool down.”可知洗冷水澡可以让我们凉快。故选D。

4.If someone has signs of heat stroke, __________.

A take him/her to the doctor

B move him/her to a cool place

C give him/her a lot of hot water

D provide him/her with a fan only

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据文章第三部分的“Get the person out of the sun.”可知,当发现有人中暑时,要让他们远离阳光,即要带他们去凉快的地方。故选B。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Keep calm when in hot weather.

B What is extreme heat in summer?

C How to keep safe in the extreme heat?

D Choose the right medicine for heat stroke.
