7岁女孩意志坚定 跑掉鞋仍获得第一
7岁女孩意志坚定 跑掉鞋仍获得第一

At the very start of a 200-meter race, 7-year-old Lay Lay lost her right shoe. But she didn’t give up. Instead, she went back and quickly put her shoe back on. Then she sprinted faster to catch up with others and passed(超过) them. At last, she won first place!

Lay Lay’s family was watching her from the stands. They made a video(视频). The video shows how this girl won the race.

Lay Lay’s father won many races. So Lay Lay has the blood(血统) of a winner. She never gave up when she met problems. 


1.When was Lay Lay born?

A In 2013.

B In 2014.

C In 2015.

D In 2016.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段的“7-year-old Lay Lay”可知,女孩Lay Lay今年七岁,由此可知她于(2022-7=)2015年出生。故选C。

2.What did Lay Lay do after she lost her shoe?

A She went back to her family.

B She put her shoe back on.

C She called the police.

D She went shopping.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段第三句的“she went back and quickly put her shoe back on”可知,Lay Lay右脚的鞋子掉了,她跑回去穿上了鞋。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “sprinted” mean?

A Cried.

B Danced.

C Walked.

D Ran.

解析:选D。 D词义猜测题。根据前文“a 200-meter race”可知Lay Lay参加的是跑步比赛,结合后文的“faster to catch up with others and passed them”以及后文她获得了第一名可推断,Lay Lay穿上鞋后“跑”得更快了。故选D。

4.The video is about _________.

A why Lay Lay lost her shoe

B how Lay Lay won the race

C why Lay Lay loved running

D how Lay Lay wore her shoe

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“The video shows how this girl won the race.”可知,这个视频展示了这个女孩是如何赢得比赛的。故选B。

5.What can we learn from Lay Lay?

A Never give up.

B Always wear shoes.

C Stay with our family.

D Slow down in the race.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。结合全文内容以及第一段中的“But she didn’t give up.”以及文章最后一句“She never gave up when she met problems.”可知,我们可以从Lay Lay身上学习遇到困难时永不放弃的精神。故选A。