
Your pets can’t ask you to turn on the air conditioning on hot days. This can become a problem as temperatures rise. Dogs can quickly get too hot in the sun. Overheating(过热) is bad for your pets. Every pet owner should learn the signs of overheating and the best ways to restrain it.

Panting(喘气) is one way animals like dogs and cats regulate their body temperature. Some panting is normal, but heavy panting could mean your pet is dangerously hot. Bright red or blueish gums(带蓝色的牙龈) are also a sign a dog has been in the heat for too long (for cats, dark red or gray gums are a sign of overheating).

If you notice that your animals are overheating, take them to the vet(兽医) right away. At the same time, you can cool them down by bringing them to a cool place and giving them water to drink if they are able to.

Even if your pets aren’t overheated, keeping them in a cool place on hot days can prevent a sudden visit to the vet. It’s also wise to keep walks short during the summer and make sure the place where your pet sleeps indoors is cool. If you take your pets with you on car trips, never leave them in the car alone—even for short periods.


1.What does the underlined word “restrain” mean?

A Continue.

B Prevent.

C Waste.

D Copy.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线句子前一句的“Overheating is bad for your pets.”可知,身体过热对宠物不好,因此这里表达的是宠物主人应了解动物过热的表现,阻止/预防动物身体过热。故选B。

2.If a cat is overheated, _________.

A it doesn’t pant heavily

B it must sleep indoors

C its body temperature drops

D its gums may be dark red

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“for cats, dark red or gray gums are a sign of overheating”可知,对于猫来说,暗红色或灰色的牙龈是身体过热的迹象。故选D。

3.What is NOT suggested when pets are overheated?

A Getting them dressed.

B Taking them to the vet.

C Taking them somewhere cool.

D Giving them water to drink.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段的“take them to the vet right away”、“bring them to a cool place”和“giving them water to drink”可知,当宠物身体过热时,作者建议带它们去医院,带去阴凉的地方并给它们喝水。故选A。

4.What does the writer think of taking pets for long walks in summer?

A It’s not traditional.

B It’s not surprising.

C It’s not difficult.

D It’s not good.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段的“It’s also wise to keep walks short during the summer”可知,作者觉得夏天带动物散步时,时间保持短些是明智的,即长时间散步是不好的。故选D。

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A How to know and stop overheating in pets.

B How to get on well with pets in summer.

C How to find the vet as quickly as possible.

D How to walk your pets in summer.
