

China is willing to help Africa to realize its dream of building up a high-speed railway network, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during his visit to Kenya on Saturday. 

Chairwoman of the African Union Commission said Africans have a dream that all the capitals of African countries can be connected by high-speed railway. As a good friend of Africa, China is willing to help Africans realize this dream," Wang said. 

China Road and Bridge Corp is building a Mombasa-Nairobi railway that finally will be connected to five other countries at a total cost of $13.8 billion. 

"The cooperation of China with Kenya and Africa is cooperation for mutual benefit between developing countries and is the mutual support of friends between each other. We should give priority to the needs of Kenya's development and people's wishes. This is a rule that we should insist on," said Wang. 

Wang Mengshu, a tunnel and railway expert at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said China has rich expertise and experience in designing, building and operating a high-speed rail network, so the nation should be an ideal option for any foreign countries that want to build their own high-speed rail lines. 


1.The photo in the passage might be taken in .

A America.

B Asia.

C Africa.

D Europe.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。文章主要内容为中国帮助非洲人民实现通铁路的梦想,所以图中照片应该是在非洲拍摄的,故选C。

2.How many countries will be connected by Mombasa-Nairobi railway?

A Ten.

B Five.

C Twenty.

D Fifteen.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段…Mombasa-Nairobi railway that finally will be connected to five other countries…可知,故选B。

3.The underlined word “rule” in paragraph 4 refers to .

A Mutual benefit between developing countries.

B Priority to the needs of Kenya's development.

C Priority to the needs of Kenya's people's wishes.

D Both B and C.

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。根据第四段We should give priority to the needs of Kenyan's development and people's wishes. This is a rule that we should insist on," said Wang. 我们应优先考虑肯尼亚的发展与肯尼亚人民的愿望,这是我们应该坚持的原则。故选D。

4.An expert is some one who has_________.

A expertise.

B experience.

C priority.

D dreams.

解析:选A。A 语义推测题。expert“专家”指在某方面具备expertise“专业技能,专业知识”的人,故选A。

5.Who is the Chinese with his left hand on the track in the picture?

A President of Kenya.

B Chairwoman of the African Union Commission.

C Wang Mengshu.

D Premier Li Keqiang.

解析:选D。D 政治常识题。题干问的是图中左手放在铁轨上的中国人是谁,显然是总理李克强,故选D。