
Imagine the marathon(马拉松) runners’ surprise when they look down during the race and see an unusual sight: A large white duck wearing special shoes and running. The 2-year-old duck is Wrinkle. She was born in Louisville, Kentucky.

Wrinkle’s owners take Wrinkle everywhere they go. In 2021, Wrinkle became popular online when videos of the New York City Marathon caught her joining in the race. Then Wrinkle took part in the Boston Marathon to cheer the runners on. Recently she was back to the marathon as a special guest at the Jovia Long Island Marathon Weekend. She even got her very own medal!

Wrinkle’s pace of 18 minutes and eight seconds per kilometer at the Long Island Marathon makes her a winner. Speaking of records, in 2021 Wrinkle beat out long-time Internet favorite Ben Afquack for the Guinness World Record in the “most followers for a duck” group.

How cute is this little runner? We’d never be able to finish the race if we saw Wrinkle running next to us because we’d be laughing too hard!


1.When was Wrinkle born?

A In 2017.

B In 2018.

C In 2019.

D In 2020.

解析:选D。D 数字计算题。根据第一段的“The 2-year-old duck is Wrinkle.”可知,Wrinkle今年两岁,因此她是(2022-2=)2020年出生的。故选D。

2.Why did Wrinkle join the Boston Marathon?

A To win a medal.

B To make a video.

C To be a special guest.

D To encourage the runners.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Then Wrinkle took part in the Boston Marathon to cheer the runners on.”可知,在去年纽约马拉松大出风头之后,鸭鸭Winkle又出现在波士顿马拉松的赛道上为选手们加油打气。故选D。

3.How many marathons did Wrinkle take part in?

A One.

B Two.

C Three.

D Four.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段的第二、三、四句可知,Wrinkle参加了三场马拉松比赛,分别是:New York City Marathon,Boston Marathon和Jovia Long Island Marathon Weekend。故选C。

4.Ben Afquack is _________.

A a dog

B a cat

C a duck

D a boy

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段的“in 2021 Wrinkle beat out long-time Internet favorite Ben Afquack for the Guinness World Record in the ‘most followers for a duck’ group.”可知,在2021年“粉丝最多的鸭子”类别中,Wrinkle击败了长期受互联网喜爱的Ben Afquack,获得吉尼斯世界纪录。由此推断Ben Afquack也是一只鸭子。故选C。

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A A duck loves “laughing” when running.

B A duck loves “running” marathons.

C A duck turns two years old.

D A duck wears a pair of special shoes.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文向我们介绍了一只喜爱跑马拉松的鸭子。故选B。