
Ren Jilan was born in a Yiyuan county village in 1992. Her family was very poor because of her parents’ ill health. With the help of some kind people, she finished her 12-year school study and was admitted(录取) by Qufu Normal University at the age of 22. But her family didn’t have enough money. When she was about to give up on university, Li Zhenhua, a teacher at Yiyuan county, came to her and offered help.

But the four-year university experience did not go as well as Ren expected. After her father died, how to care for her ill mother became a problem. After deep consideration, she decided to take her mother with her. She rented a small house near the campus(大学校园) and started her special university life. Ren got up early to cook breakfast for her mother. After she did everything well for her mother, she went to study and worked part time to make money. Life was tough during the four years of university, but Ren enjoyed it.

When faced with opportunities(机会) to work as a teacher in cities, Ren refused and chose to return to her hometown. She finally became a teacher at Fuluping Primary School, where Li Zhenhua once worked in. “Teacher Li gave up a good job in a big city to teach students at the village school. I’d like to follow his example and do something for rural education,” says Ren.


1.In which year was Ren Jilan admitted into the university?

A 1992.

B 2002.

C 2014.

D 2018.

解析:选C。C 数字计算题。根据第一段第一句“Ren Jilan was born in a Yiyuan county village in 1992.”可知任纪兰出生于1992年;结合第三句的“was admitted by Qufu Normal University at the age of 22.”可知她在22岁时,即在2014年被大学录取。故选C。

2.Who helped Ren Jilan realize her university dream?

A A classmate.

B A villager.

C A teacher.

D A relative.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“When she was about to give up on university, Li Zhenhua, a teacher at Yiyuan county, came to her and offered help.”可知,是李振华老师资助她上了大学。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “tough” mean?

A Strange.

B Difficult.

C Relaxing.

D Crazy.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据第二段可知,上大学后,任纪兰的父亲去世了,母亲的病情也随之加重,任纪兰决定“带着母亲上大学”。她在学校旁租了房子,每天忙得像个陀螺,早早起床给母亲做饭,除了上课,其他时间都在打工赚房租和生活费,因此可知她的大学生活是“艰难的”。故选B。

4.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A Ren Jilan wanted to work in a big city.

B Li Zhenhua’s example encouraged Ren Jilan.

C Ren Jilan became a teacher because of her family.

D Li Zhenhua didn’t know Fuluping Primary School.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第三段的“I’d like to follow his example and do something for rural education”可知,李振华老师树立的榜样激励了任纪兰投身乡村教育。故选B。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A A Popular Village.

B A Famous School.

C A Great Teacher.

D A Good Opportunity.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文向我们介绍了一名优秀的乡村女教师。故选C。