

With nowhere to sell their product, some Chinese dairy farmers had to throw out milk and kill their cows. Slumping(暴跌)global milk prices since the second half of 2014 have pushed many dairy farmers to desperation(绝望). 

"A ton of milk has to be thrown each day," said dairy farmer Pei Shuke in Shandong Province. "We have rarely been this desperate." 

On Sunday, The Ministry of Agriculture announced(声称)that it would help dairy farmers in northern China. The ministry said it had talked to major dairy firms including Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group and Mengniu Dairy Group, and urged them to purchase more milk, stabilize(使稳定)prices and safeguard the interest of dairy farmers. 

The ministry will work with central government departments including the Ministry of Finance to map out more supportive(支持的)policies to help dairy farmers to overcome their difficulty. 

So far, the desperation among farmers has spread to many major milk-producing areas in China, including Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and Guangdong. 

Wang Dingmian, former managing director of China's Dairy Association, said throwing milk and killing cows started in 2009, and over 100,000 farmers have quit the industry each year. 


1.What made dairy farmers throw out milk and kill cows?

A Slumping global milk prices.

B The cows are badly ill.

C The milk is polluted.

D The farmers have found better ways to make money.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段可知全球奶价暴跌,奶农陷入绝望,故而奶农不得不倒奶和杀牛,故选A。

2.When someone feels hopeless, we say he is in_______.

A happiness

B desperation

C sadness

D surprise

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。当一个人感到无助时,那他就处于“绝望”中,故选B。

3.What does the Ministry of Agriculture want major dairy firms to do?

A Purchase more milk.

B Safeguard the interest of dairy farmers.

C Stabilize prices.

D All of the above.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句The ministry said it had talked to major dairy firms …, and urged them to purchase more milk, stabilize prices and safeguard the interest of dairy farmers. 可知,故选D。

4.When did dairy farmers begin to throw milk?

A In 2004.

B In 2013.

C In 2014.

D In 2009.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据最后一段…said throwing milk and killing cows started in 2009,…,可知故选D。

5.The woman is________to throw her milk in the picture.

A happy

B afraid

C sad

D excited

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知奶农卖不出牛奶,只能倒掉并且杀死奶牛,由此推知图片中倒奶的妇女只可能是伤心绝望,故选C。