
Tami Avolia lost her son, Travis, in a shooting in 2017 one week after learning he was expecting a baby girl. “He didn’t just take my son. He took my best friend. He took his daughter’s daddy away. She never got to meet him,” Avolia said. “A week before, we were celebrating in a party. He was so excited he was having a little girl.”

Avolia wanted to do something special to celebrate her son’s birthday with his now 4-year-old daughter, Milan. She released a “Happy Birthday” balloon into the sky and attached a note to the string from his daughter. “She wrote a note to him, and I translated it and it says, ‘Happy birthday, daddy. I love you. I miss you. And I never wanted you to go away. Happy Birthday. Baby girl,’” Avolia said.

But what happened next is something Avolia and her family never expected. “A couple of days later, I went to the mailbox and I started pulling the box out and saw that it was from ‘Daddy in heaven’ to ‘Baby Girl’ and just started crying,” Avolia said.

A postal worker said that a woman found the balloon at her home and took a package to mail back to the family a few days later, addressed to “Baby girl” from “Dad”. Inside the package was a note that read “I love your birthday present. Thank you so much. Daddy loves you and Mommy so much and you all. Here’s a present that I made just for you. Hope you like them.” Also inside were three handmade Christmas ornaments(装饰品).

“To see the smile on her face when she got her gift from daddy in heaven was priceless,” Avolia said. “After what I went through, I lost faith in people. They brought it back. I just want to thank you, whoever it is. I want to thank you.”


1.What does the underlined word “He” refer to?

A Travis’s son.

B Avolia’s son.

C Travis’s friend.

D Avolia’s daddy.

解析:选B。B词意指代题。根据第一段第一句的“Tami Avolia lost her son, Travis, in a shooting in 2017 one week after learning he was expecting a baby girl.”可知,是阿沃利亚(Avolia)的儿子特拉维斯(Travis)即将迎来一个女儿,因此特拉维斯感到非常兴奋。故选B。

2.Milan wrote a note to her father to _________.

A make Avolia happy

B translate Avolia’s letter

C tell him some good news

D express her love for him

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“I love you. I miss you.”可知,阿沃利亚和孙女米利安一起庆祝米利安爸爸的生日,米利安通过给爸爸写信表达了对爸爸的爱和思念。故选D。

3.Who probably posted the present to Milan later on?

A Tami Avolia.

B A postal worker.

C Father Christmas.

D An unknown woman.


4.What’s Milian’s attitude to the present from “Dad”?

A Grateful.

B Regretful.

C Satisfied.

D Disappointed.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段的“To see the smile on her face when she got her gift from daddy in heaven was priceless”可知,当米利安从天堂的爸爸那里得到礼物时,她脸上露出了笑容。由此说明米利安对收到的礼物感到非常满足。故选C。