
China successfully launched(发射) another manned mission(载人任务) to Tiangong space station. The astronauts lifted off on the Shenzhou-14 spacecraft at 10:44 a.m. June 5.

The team will live and work at the Tiangong Space Station’s Tianhe core module(核心舱) for about six months before returning to Earth. The crew(全体工作人员) includes Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe. Chen was aboard China’s Shenzhou-11 manned space mission in 2016 and held the record for longest stay in space by a Chinese astronaut. Liu, China’s first female astronaut, took part in the space mission Shenzhou-9. And this will be Cai’s first mission in space.

This is not the first crewed mission during the construction(建造) of the space station. The first crewed mission, a three-month stay by three other astronauts, was completed in September 2021. The second, Shenzhou-13, saw three astronauts spend six months in space for the first time. The team aboard Shenzhou-14 will continue construction work for six months. In the second half of the mission, the Shenzhou-15 crew will arrive at the space station. The Shenzhou-14 and 15 crews are going to meet inside Tiangong and work together for a short period before Chen’s crew returns to Earth. That will bring the number of Chinese astronauts in space at the same time to a record six.


1.When are the astronauts on Shenzhou-14 expected to return to Earth?

A In August.

B In September.

C In October.

D In December.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句可知神舟十四号是六月五号发射的;结合第二段的“for about six months before returning to Earth”可知,神舟十四号航天员乘组将在轨工作生活半年。由此可知他们预计于十二月返回地球。故选D。

2.Who has never been on a space mission before?

A Chen Dong.

B Liu Yang.

C Cai Xuzhe.

D Yang Liwei.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“And this will be Cai’s first mission in space.”可知,这是蔡旭哲的第一次太空之旅,即他之前从未执行过太空任务。故选C。

3.How many Chinese astronauts have been sent into space since 2021 according to the passage?

A Six.

B Nine.

C Ten.

D Twelve.


4.What does the underlined word “That” refer to?

A The Shenzhou-13 crew’s six-month stay.

B The Shenzhou-14 crew’s returning to Earth.

C The construction work of the space station.

D The Shenzhou-15 crew’s arriving at Tiangong.


5.The passage is mainly about _________.

A the hardship to become an astronaut

B the successful launch of Shenzhou-14

C the importance of the space station

D the construction of a new spacecraft
