不愿再被称“火鸡” 土耳其改名为“Türkiye”
不愿再被称“火鸡” 土耳其改名为“Türkiye”

Turkey now has a new name in the halls of the United Nations, who agreed to recognize the change of name on Wednesday after a request from Turkey’s government. The campaign to rebrand its name began in December. “The process we started under the leadership of our President Erdogan in order to increase our country’s brand value is to be completed,” Cavusoglu wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

In the letter addressed to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, Cavusoglu wrote: “I would like to inform you that, in line with the Presidential Circular(总统函) ... dated December 2, 2021, on the use of the word ‘Türkiye’ in foreign languages and the subsequent branding strategy, the Government of the Republic of Türkiye, will start using ‘Türkiye’ to replace the words such as ‘Turkey’, ‘Turkei’ and ‘Turquie’ that have been used in the past to refer to the ‘Republic of Türkiye’.”

UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Thursday that the UN accepted the change, and it became effective as soon as they received the request and made sure that the document was legal, which was on Wednesday. “It’s not an issue, it’s not for us to accept or not accept,” Dujarric said. “Countries are free to choose the way they want to be named. It doesn’t happen every day but it’s not unusual that countries change their names. One that comes to the top of my head is Côte d’Ivoire, which used to be referred to in English as Ivory Coast and they requested Côte d’Ivoire.”

Cavusoglu said by working with Turkey’s various departments, the government had been able to successfully lay the groundwork for the rebranding. “We have made it possible for the UN and other international organizations, and countries to see this change to using ‘Türkiye,’” he said.


1.Why did Turkey change its name?

A To answer the request of people.

B To improve its international image.

C To secure a key seat at the United Nations.

D To strengthen Erdogan’s leadership position.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“in order to increase our country’s brand value”可以得知,土耳其改名是为了提高其国家的品牌价值,即提升国际形象。故选B。

2.Which is the new name for Turkey?

A Tüykei.

B Turkei.

C Türkiye.

D Turquie.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的“will start using ‘Türkiye’ to replace the words such as ‘Turkey’, ‘Turkei’ and ‘Turquie’ that have been used in the past to refer to the ‘Republic of Türkiye’”可知,土耳其最终选定的名字为Türkiye。故选C。

3.Why didn’t Stephane Dujarric think the change an issue?

A Countries can decide their names on their own.

B The change of a country’s name usually happens.

C The documents from officials can take effect quickly.

D Ivory Coast once changed its name to Côte d’Ivoire.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段的“Countries are free to choose the way they want to be named.”可以得知,每个国家有给自己国家取名的自由。故选A。

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A President Erdogan renamed Turkey.

B Turkey changed its name at the UN.

C UN recommended Turkey a new name.

D Cavusoglu helped in rebranding Turkey.
