

Chinese President Xi Jinping has advised young people to avoid staying up late or becoming too stressed at work when meeting the country's county-level officials. 

The advice has drawn heated response from Internet users on microblog (Weibo) after the story and video were posted on People's Daily's official account Wednesday. 

In the video, Xi recalled the huge pressures county officials must bear, speaking from experience as a county Party chief early in his career. 

"I was so eager to do my job well that I often burnt night oil, but also fell ill quite often," he said. He came to realize that even if work piles up, one can only do one piece of work a time, "however enthusiastic you may be about the job," he said. Later in his career, Xi changed his schedule, making it a point to go to bed before midnight every day, starting over the next day. 

The post has got more than 8,000 "thumbs-up" by microbloggers and attracted many comments. User "Linxiaojianxia" supported Xi's advice saying it is true that "We should leave whatever is unfinished by midnight to the next day." 

A microblogger "Mengxie" said in discontent with her own job, "No one wants to stay up late working, but it happens if you choose the wrong job." 

"Xiaqi" made an appeal in her comment that "prohibiting working overtime past 11:00 pm should be written into law." 

1.Where did Xi Jinping advise young people to avoid staying up?

A At a meeting with young students.

B At a meeting with young workers.

C At a meeting with young officials.

D At a meeting with the country's county-level officials.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段最末尾的…meeting the country's county-level officials.可知,故选D。

2.Xi was a_________when he was young according to the passage.

A netizen

B county Party chief

C worker

D microblogger

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句…as a county Party chief early in his career.可知,故选B。

3.Staying up late is___________.

A good for work

B bad for health

C necessary for work

D prohibited

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。熬夜对工作没什么好处,否则习近平不会建议年轻人不要熬夜,A选项错;熬夜也不可能是工作所必须的,C选项错;没有明令禁止熬夜,D选项错。故选B。

4.Whose comment is about to write "prohibiting working overtime into law"?

A Xiaqi.

B Mengxie.

C Linxiaojianxia.

D Xi Jinping.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知网友“Xiaqi”建议把禁止加班写入法律,故选A。

5.Which of the following has the same meaning as “burnt night oil” in paragraph 4 ?

A Enthusiastic.

B Stay up late.

C Fall asleep.

D Light a candle.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据第四段第一句"I was so eager to do my job well that I often burnt night oil, but also fell ill quite often,"可知由于经常熬夜,习主席经常生病,故选B。