现代人“主动失眠” 熬夜成“流行病”
现代人“主动失眠” 熬夜成“流行病”

Chen Danhong works in Beijing. She says her day really just starts after about 8 pm. “When I get home, I’m feeling tired. But that quickly turns to excitement. I start to use my phone, read books or watch movies. I’ll be playing games and keeping on saying to myself, ‘This is the last one’ before I find that it’s 2 o’clock,” she said.

For most of us like Chen, staying up late becomes a way of life. We know that it’s detrimental to our health, but we just can’t help ourselves.

Nanguo Morning News did a study. 2,000 people took part in it. 43% of them said they go to bed late every day. They think only the time before they go to bed belongs to(属于) them. Only 2% said they never go to bed late. 64% said they go to bed late because they watch TV, read books or use their phones.  

“People think that they are making up for(弥补) the day at night, so they stay up late,” says Yan Lixin, a doctor in the Department of Mental Health of the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University.


1.Why did the writer talk about Chen Danhong?

A To share life in Beijing with us.

B To make the text fun

C To show us the topic.

D To tell us a story.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“For most of us like Chen, staying up late becomes a way of life.”可知,作者举了Chen的例子来引出话题——大多数人有睡眠问题。故选C。

2.What does the underlined(划线的) word “detrimental” mean?

A Happy.

B Right.

C Tired.

D Bad.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据前面提到的大多数人有睡眠问题以及划线句子后半句“but we just can’t help ourselves.”可知,我们知道熬夜对身体“不好”,但我们控制不住自己。故选D。

3._________ people never go to bed late in the study.

A 2

B 20

C 4

D 40

解析:选D。D数字计算题。根据第三段第二句“2,000 people took part in it.”和第五句“Only 2% said they never go to bed late.”可知,两千个人参与了这次调查,其中有(2000×2%=)40个人从不熬夜。故选D。

4.Which of the following ideas may make people stay up?

A I like my phone very much.

B Only the night belongs to me.

C I can’t do anything well.

D I am very happy today.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段的“People think that they are making up for the day at night, so they stay up late”可知,人们认为,晚上在某种程度上弥补了白天的不足,即他们认为只有晚上的时间属于自己,所以想好好享受晚上的时间。故选B。

5.What’s the title(标题) for the passage?

A The way to do a study.

B The history of TV.

C The problems of sleep.

D The way of sleep.
