
Salar de Uyuni is a world-famous area of Bolivia. The extremely dry land is flat and white and covered with salt from the earth. Many visitors visit the special place each year. Eleven-year-old Piter Condori takes photos of visitors standing on the salt flats and places a small dinosaur in a part of the frame. He does it in a way that makes it look as if the toy is running toward the people.

The white sand permits the boy to play with perspective. In other words, he can make the people look small and the toy look large. He also uses things like an empty glass bottle to make it look as if the visitors are being poured out of the bottle. Piter charges the visitors, or tourists, a little bit of money for each photo. At the end of each day, he takes home about $15 to help his family pay for food or to help his brothers and sisters buy toys.

Food prices have shot up recently, making it harder for Piter’s family to buy everything they need. Piter’s father, Diego, works in the salt business. “We didn’t even have enough money to buy food,” Diego said, noting that it was hard for his business because of the COVID-19. Piter’s mother sells handicrafts(手工艺品) to the salt flat’s visitors. His brothers and sisters help, too. Diego said his family had a small amount of money saved. But that money ran out during the last two years. “We have dedicated ourselves to working in tourism as a family,” Diego said.

The Condori family is the same as many others in Bolivia. The South American nation depends strongly on tourism. 2,000 people who work in tourism have asked the government to remove some COVID-19 related restrictions(限制). One Bolivian tourism organization said visitors have decreased by 90 percent.


1.What can we learn about Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia?

A It has become a tourist attraction.

B It is famous for its salt in wetlands.

C It is photographers’ favourite place.

D Many dinosaur remains were found there.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第一段的“Many visitors visit the special place each year.”可知,每年都有许多游客参观这个特别的地方,由此说明乌尤尼盐沼是一处旅游名胜。故选A。

2.Why does Condori take photos of visitors at Salar de Uyuni?

A To better serve them.

B To earn money from them.

C To learn to be a photographer.

D To make a living by himself.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段的“Piter charges the visitors, or tourists, a little bit of money for each photo.”可知,皮特每拍一张照片都会向游客收取少量费用,由此可见他为游客拍照是为了赚钱。故选B。

3.According to Diego, his family _____.

A cut meals and ate less

B had to make a living through tourism

C could hardly afford handicrafts

D lost their jobs and stayed at home

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“We have dedicated ourselves to working in tourism as a family,”可知,迭戈·康多里一家靠旅游业为生。故选B。

4.What could probably help people in Bolivia pull through?

A Creating more new jobs.

B Developing new industries.

C Bringing tourism back to normal.

D Starting COVID-19 related restrictions.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The South American nation depends strongly on tourism.”可知,玻利维亚这个南美国家严重依赖旅游业,由此推断只有恢复正常的旅游业才能帮助玻利维亚人度过难关。故选C。