
One day, Manfred Zabinskas, the owner of Five Freedoms Animal Rescue in Australia, received a call about a kangaroo who had fallen into a mine shaft(矿井) and needed help. Without hesitation, Manfred jumped into action to free him from danger!

Even though the kangaroo, who was later named Brad Pit, didn’t have any visible injuries, Manfred took him home to make sure he had everything he needed. Over the next week, the two of them developed a sweet friendship that melted hearts around the world!

When Manfred first saw Brad Pit, the poor kangaroo was trapped at the bottom of a deep mine shaft. In order to get him out, Manfred rappelled(索降) down the dirt wall to save Brad before climbing back out himself.

Once Brad was safe and sound, Manfred took him to the Rescue, where he was set up with a bed and some fresh grass. Around 10 that same night, Manfred checked on Brad, who was shaking and looking unwell. That’s when Manfred picked the kangaroo up and brought him inside his own home, where the kangaroo was warmed with electric blankets and lots of love.

After getting through the first night, Brad realized Manfred and the rest of the team were there to help him! He started allowing them to pet him and even ate grass right from their hands!

About a week after he was rescued, Brad was ready to head back home! Manfred filmed his release into the wild on video. While it takes him a few seconds to get his directions, Brad studies the nature around him before happily hopping off into his natural home!


1.How did Manfred Zabinskas know that a kangaroo was in danger?

A He passed by the mine shaft that day.

B He was told about it on the phone.

C He heard the kangaroo’s screaming.

D He was practicing rappelling nearby.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句的“received a call about a kangaroo who had fallen into a mine shaft and needed help.”可知,曼弗雷德·扎宾斯卡斯是通过一个电话得知这只袋鼠处于危险之中的。故选B。

2.What did Manfred do for the kangaroo at home?

A He set up a bed for him.

B He gave him something to eat.

C He warmed him with blankets.

D He checked on him carefully.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段的“That’s when Manfred picked the kangaroo up and brought him inside his own home, where the kangaroo was warmed with electric blankets and lots of love.”可知,曼弗雷德把袋鼠抱了起来,并把他带进了自己的家,在那里,袋鼠被电热毯和很多爱温暖着。故选C。

3.How did Brad respond to humans’ help?

A He felt anxious all day long.

B He showed great interest in them.

C He got close with the rescue team.

D He wouldn’t like to leave Brad’s home.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第五段的“He started allowing them to pet him and even ate grass right from their hands!”可知,这只袋鼠甚至开始允许救援队员抚摸他,甚至直接从他们手中吃草,由此可见对于人类给予他的帮助,他给出的回应就是亲近他们。故选C。

4.Where can we probably see the kangaroo Brad again now?

A On the video.

B In Manfred’s home.

C In the mine shaft.

D At Five Freedoms Animal Rescue.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,曼弗雷德拍摄了袋鼠被释放到野外的过程的视频,人们可以看到袋鼠研究了周围的自然环境,然后高兴地跳进了自己的自然家园。结合选项可知人们只能在视频中再次见到袋鼠布拉德。故选A。