巴西百岁老人84年在同一公司工作 成“最强打工人”
巴西百岁老人84年在同一公司工作 成“最强打工人”

Many people hold several jobs throughout their life. Some loyal workers hold jobs for decades. But one man in Brazil has stayed at one company longer than anyone in the world—literally. Walter Orthmann, 100, set the Guinness World Record for working at the same company for 84 years and nine days. Orthmann’s career started when he was just 15 years old. He got a job at Industrias Renaux S.A. in 1938, working as a shipping assistant at the textile company. 

As a child, he would walk barefoot(赤脚的) to school—rain or shine—and was an excellent student. He has always been enthusiastic about learning, but started working to help his family, who lived in Brusque, due to financial hardship. 

The town has a large German population, and because he spoke German, he was hired at the weaving mill(纺织厂), which is now called ReneauxView. There, Orthmann continued to love learning and got promoted to a sales position, then a manager. The sales job took him traveling across the country to meet clients, who became friends. The company has changed over the past 84 years, which taught Orthmann the most important part of the business: Stay up to date and adapt to different contexts. 

His 84-year-long career was perhaps achieved by his ability to live in the present. “I don’t do much planning, nor care much about tomorrow,” he said. “All I care about is that tomorrow will be another day in which I will wake up, get up, exercise and go to work; you need to get busy with the present, not the past or the future. Here and now is what counts. So, let’s go to work!”


1.What did Orthmann do in his company at the beginning?

A He was an assistant.

B He was a manager.

C He was a salesman.

D He was a miner.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段“Orthmann’s career started when he was just 15 years old. He got a job at Industrias Renaux S.A. in 1938, working as a shipping assistant at the textile company.”可知他开始工作的时候是一个助手。故选A。

2.How was Orthmann’s life when he was young?

A Balanced.

B Extraordinary.

C Tough.

D Graceful.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“As a child, he would walk barefoot to school”和该段最后一句的“started working to help his family, who lived in Brusque, due to financial hardship”可知当他小的时候,他家经济困难。故选C。

3.What made Orthmann get promotion?

A Staying up late for a long time.

B Changing his minds often.

C Traveling across countries.

D Keeping pace with the times.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段“There, Orthmann continued to love learning and got promoted to a sales position, then a manager.”和“the most important part of the business: Stay up to date and adapt to different contexts. ”可知他是因为一直热爱学习,保持与时俱进,不断适应变化的环境,才有机会得到提升的。故选D。

4.Why could Orthmann work for so many years?

A He never had any planning.

B He cared nothing about future.

C He focused on the present.

D He got busy with exercising.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第四段的“His 84-year-long career was perhaps achieved by his ability to live in the present.”可知,他84年的职业生涯可能是靠他活在当下的能力取得的,即他专注于当下。故选C。