
In Chile, Highly Innovative Fuels (HIF)—a small start-up company, is establishing what it calls a first-of-its-kind facility which it hopes will be an initial step on the road to an energy revolution. HIF’s “Haru Oni” project is a 37,000-squre-meter, $55 million site intended to demonstrate a will-be-successful commercial process for turning wind, water and air into man-made fuels that can be used to power everything, from cars to ships to airplanes, while significantly cutting carbon emissions.

Comprising a wind turbine(风力涡轮机), carbon system and facilities it says are capable of manufacturing 130,000 liters of fuel a year. The project is still under construction but is scheduled to become operational later this year and begin producing man-made gasoline. HIF’s manufacturing process uses wind-generated electricity to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen through a process called electrolysis. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide is captured from atmospheric air and industrial sources. Hydrogen is combined with the carbon dioxide and changed into eFuels.

Meg Gentle, HIF executive director, said the process can be used to create all kinds of everyday fuels, including methanol, propane, gasoline and jet fuel, which can be used by standard engines without modification(改装). “Basically, anything that could be got from crude oil(原油) could also be made in this manner,” she said.

Much of the focus for decarbonizing(脱碳的) transport has been on the production of electric vehicles (EVs). Gentle argued, “we don’t need eFuels to compete against EVs,” and suggested EVs and eFuels can exist side by side—the latter helping to accelerate the carbon removal accelerate the carbon removal of the transport industry, while using existing cars and infrastructure(基础设施) such as pipelines and gas stations.

But to produce eFuels is currently consuming massive energy, making it more expensive than gasoline. eFuel could be five times more expensive than diesel, according to a 2019 paper by the UK’s Royal Society scientific institute, although its price depends on the cost of the electricity.


1.What does HIF’s “Haru Oni” project do?

A It makes the vehicles faster.

B It establishes unique facilities.

C It produces various clean fuels.

D It witnesses energy revolution.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“HIF’s ‘Haru Oni’ project ... for turning wind, water and air into man-made fuels..., while significantly cut carbon emissions.”可以得知该项目制造各种清洁能源。故选C。

2.What are needed to make eFuels?

A Wind and electricity.

B Hydrogen and oxygen.

C Atmospheric air and water.

D Carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Hydrogen is combined with the carbon dioxide and changed into eFuels”可知,制造eFuels需要氢和二氧化碳。故选D。

3.According to Gentle, what is the advantage of eFuels?

A They don’t need pipelines.

B They only use few gas stations.

C They can compete against EVS.

D They help to reduce carbon emissions.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段的“the latter helping to accelerate the carbon removal of the transport industry”可知,eFuels帮助加速交通运输行业的脱碳,也就是减少碳排放。故选D。

4.What limits the manufacture of eFuels?

A The transport.

B The gasoline.

C The price.

D The electricity.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句的“making it more expensive than gasoline”可知,eFuels这种合成汽油的价格昂贵,限制了其量产。故选C。