

          There is a nice little girl. Her name is April. She lives with her parents. She will have her tenth birthday this year.

         One day, April asked her mother why she was called April. Her mother answered, “You were born in April, so we named you April.” The little girl was very happy to hear that. She likes her name.  

        April loves birthdays, too. Her parents usually have a party for her birthday. All her friends come and celebrate with her. She can get a lot of gifts.

        One day in February, April’s mother had a new baby boy. Now many people are coming to visit the family. Everyone is trying hard to give the new baby a name. Someone says he should be called Jack. Another suggests(建议) the name Mike. But April finds it easy for her. She says, “The baby was born in February. He can get his name easily.”





1.How old will April be next year?

A 8

B 9

C 10

D 11

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“She will have her tenth birthday this year.”她今年将要过第十个生日,可知她今年10岁,那么明年应该是11岁。故选D。

2.In what season is April’s birthday?

A Spring.

B Summer.

C Autumn.

D Winter.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段的“Because you were born in April”April出生在四月,即她过生日的时候是在春天。故选A。

3.What doesn’t April do on her birthday?

A Have a party.

B Play with her friends.

C Get birthday gifts.

D Name a baby.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,在生日那天,April举办生日派对、朋友们来参加派对(她和朋友们玩耍)以及收到很多礼物。没有提到为婴儿起一个名字。故选D。

4.What does April think the baby should be called?

A April.

B Jack

C Mike.

D February.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据前文内容可知,因为April出生在四月,所以父母为她起名为April,所以现在她认为,她的弟弟出生在二月,那么他的名字就应该叫“二月(February)”。故选D。

5.How many people are there in April’s family now?

A Three.

B Four.

C Five.

D Six.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段的“She lives with her parents.”她和父母住在一起,家里有三口人,再加上现在这个刚出生的婴儿弟弟,所以一共有四口人。故选B。