

         Starting a garden is hard. But reporter Ian McKenna has some ideas. They will help you grow things in a short time.

         Think about what to grow. Grow vegetables. If you don’t like vegetables, try fruits or flowers. There are many plants to try.

         Find a place to plant. Choose(选择) a place that gets good sunlight(阳光). You don’t need a yard. Start a garden in containers(容器). You can grow something in old rain shoes

        Choose the right soil(土壤). This is important. Different plants need different soil. People at a gardening store can help you with that.

        Choose your plants. Will you use seeds(种子) or seedlings? Seedlings are baby plants. It is easier to start a garden with them.

        Get planting! Start small. You will learn as you go. Soon your plants will start to be seen. Next season, try something new!





1.What does the writer(作者) think of gardening?

A Not easy.

B Not difficult.

C Not interesting.

D Not fast.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段“Starting a garden is hard.”可知种植园子是困难的,即“不容易的”。故选A。

2.What can’t we see in a garden?

A Fruits.

B Flowers.

C Vegetables.

D Animals.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,园子里面可以种植蔬菜、水果或者花,未提及可以养动物。故选D。

3.What is needed to grow plants well?

A A lot of sunlight.

B A good yard.

C Lots of rain.

D Dry soil.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段“Choose(选择) a place that gets good sunlight(阳光).”可知种植园子需要选择能得到阳光的地方,可知植物的生长需要大量阳光。故选A。

4.What makes it more difficult to start a garden?

A Seeds.

B Seedlings.

C Babies.

D Baby plants.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第五段对比seeds和seedlings可知,seedlings可以让种植变得更容易,即seeds相对来说会让种植变得更难。故选A。

5.How many ideas does the reporter give?

A Three.

B Four.

C Five.

D Six.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据全文内容可知,记者Ian McKenna给出了五个主意。故选C。