


         A boy is taking care of a group of sheep. Soon he finds it boring. So he wants to do something to get some fun. His father told him to call for help when a wolf comes. So he gets an idea.  

         He does not see anything like a wolf, but shouts at the top of his voice(嗓音), “Wolf! Wolf!” People hear him and run to him. They find he is laughing. So they know what is going on. And they walk away. A few days later, the boy again shouts, “Wolf! Wolf!” Again people run to help him, only to be laughed at again.

         Then this evening, it’s getting dark. A wolf really comes! The boy is scared. He runs and shouts “Wolf! Wolf!” Everyone hears him. But no one comes to help. “He cannot fool us again,” they say.  





1.What does the boy think of looking after sheep?

A Exciting.

B Not surprising.

C Pleasing.

D Not interesting.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段“Soon he finds it boring.”可知小男孩觉得放羊很无聊。故选D。

2.What is going on when the boy calls for help for the first time?

A He is exercising.

B He is asking for help.

C He is trying to save a wolf.

D He is making fun of people.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段“They find he is laughing.”当小男孩求救以后,人们前来帮助,小男孩却在笑,可知小男孩不是真正的求救,是在戏弄他们。故选D。

3.People don’t help the boy when he calls for help for the third time because _________.

A they are laughing at him

B they do not trust him

C no real wolf is coming

D there is some danger

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第三段“He cannot fool us again”可知小男孩第三次求救的时候,大家都觉得他在愚弄他们,即人们不相信他是真的在求救。故选B。

4.What might be the end of the story?

A The boy and sheep go home.

B People bring the wolf home.

C Sheep are hurt by the wolf.

D Sheep hurt the wolf.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,当男孩第三次求救时,狼真的来了,人们却不再去帮助他,由此推断,羊群应该被狼伤到了。故选C。

5.What is the best title(标题) of the passage(文章)?

A Bad People.

B Wolf! Wolf!

C A Good Boy.

D Lovely Sheep.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。全文围绕一个放羊的小男孩多次求救“狼来了!狼来了!”而展开。故选B。