
A Great Dane(大丹犬) has been officially confirmed as the world’s tallest living dog by Guinness World Records. Two-year-old Zeus stands at a striking 1.046 meters (3 feet, 5.18 inches), making him the tallest dog in the world. He officially received great applause, after his height was measured and confirmed by his vet.

Owner Brittany Davis said she always dreamed of having a Great Dane named Zeus and was over the moon when her brother gave her the puppy when he was just eight weeks old. Although she was nervous about his vast size at the beginning, she soon fell in love with him. Davis told Guinness World Records: “He’s been a big dog since we got him, even for a puppy. He had huge paws.” Zeus’ diet includes 12 cups of “Gentle Giants” dog food every day, as well as the occasional fried egg and bully sticks. His all-time favorite treat is ice cubes, Davis said.

The brown and gray Great Dane now is a local celebrity, showered with attention and treats when he and his owner visit the farmer’s market. “The comment that we hear most often is ‘Wow, that’s a horse!’ ‘Can I ride him?’ or ‘Does he have a saddle(马鞍)?’” Davis said. “The answer to all those questions is ‘no.’”

Great Danes are descendants from hunting dogs from the Middle Ages. While they are known for being much higher than other breeds, they are likely to suffer from quite a few health problems and tend to have a shorter life span than other dogs.

Last year, Freddy, a Great Dane once celebrated by Guinness World Records as the tallest dog in the world, died aged 8. The dog was measured 3 feet, 4 inches (103.5 centimeters) from foot to withers. When standing on his back legs, he stood at a lofty 7 feet, 5.5 inches (226 centimeters). The tallest dog ever recorded was also a Great Dane named Zeus, according to Guinness. He stood at 3 feet, 10 inches (111.8 centimeters).


1.What does the underlined phrase “over the moon” mean?

A Frightened.

B Awkward.

C Pleased.

D Concerned.


2.Why did some people ask “Can I ride him?”

A Because Zeus is fond of visiting the market.

B Because they mistook him as another animal.

C Because they knew Davis would let them ride.

D Because a saddle was on the brown Great Dane.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第三段的“The comment that we hear most often is ‘Wow, that’s a horse!’ ‘Can I ride him?’ or ‘Does he have a saddle?’”可知,人们常常评论“这是一匹马”,其实他是一条狗,即人们把这条狗误认为是另外一种动物。故选B。

3.What is the weakness of Great Danes?

A They are too romantic.

B They are often attacked.

C They don’t live long.

D They don’t get sick easily.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段的“and tend to have a shorter life span than other dogs”可知大丹犬的寿命比其他狗的寿命要短。故选C。

4.How tall is/was the tallest dog in history of Guinness World Records?

A 3 feet.

B 340 inches.

C 111.8 centimeters.

D 1.046 meters.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“The tallest dog ever recorded was also a Great Dane named Zeus, according to Guinness. He stood at 3 feet, 10 inches (111.8 centimeters).”可知,吉尼斯记录的有史以来最高的狗也是一条名叫宙斯的大丹犬,他四脚站立时有111.8厘米,比现在世的1.046米高的宙斯还要高。故选C。