
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) is celebrated on May 17 every year, since 1969. This year’s theme is “Digital(数字的) technologies for older persons and healthy aging”.

The elderly population has met obstacles. Old people don’t know much about digital technologies, no one guides them and they have short memories and learn things slowly. So most of them don’t use digital services in their lives.

According to research in 2021, less than 20 percent of the elderly thought they were good at using a smartphone, and about 80 percent of them spent as much as three hours on mobile apps. But 80 percent of them said it took 4 to 10 times for them to learn to use the smartphone.

  △   These years, China is making some plans and providing advice to help the 264 million old people (over 60 years old) to adapt to(适应) the digital world. In 2020, a plan to encourage all parties(方面) to make life easier for the elderly population was made. As we all know, people need to scan QR codes(扫描二维码) with smartphones before going into public places because of COVID-19. However, that is not easy for old people. So the plan paid special attention to improving health screening procedures(程序). The plan also listed different types of services most often used by the elderly and common problems, such as going to the doctor, traveling, shopping, and so on.


1.It is the _________ time to celebrate the WTISD this year.

A 17th

B 44th

C 54th

D 64th

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段第一句的“since 1969”可知世界电信和信息社会日是从1969年开始的,因此今年(2022年)5月17日已经是第(2022-1969+1=)54个世界电信和信息社会日。故选C。

2.What does the underlined word “obstacles” probably mean?

A Changes.

B Mistakes.

C Accidents.

D Difficulties.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句的后一句“Old people don’t know much about digital technologies, no one guides them and they have short memories and learn things slowly”可知,老年人遇到了一些困难,例如不了解数字技术、缺乏指导、记性不好以及学东西很慢等,这些导致他们不使用数字服务。故选D。

3.From Paragraph 3, we know that the elderly _________.

A all liked mobile apps

B had more than one smartphones

C learned to use smartphones by themselves

D could hardly learn to use smartphones at once

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“But 80 percent of them said it took 4 to 10 times for them to learn to use the smartphone.”可知,80%接受调查的老年人说他们要学4到10次才能学会使用智能手机。由此推断,他们几乎不能立即学会使用智能手机。故选D。

4.Which sentence can be put in the “ △ ” of the text?

A More help is on the way.

B The elderly can’t travel easily.

C New problems are coming.

D The elderly use all services.


5.In which part of a newspaper can we read the text?

A Travel.

B Health.

C Culture.

D Technology.
