

Campaigners handed out toothbrushes to families visiting the London Eye after the attraction turned red as a sponsorship deal with Coca Cola was launched.

The Eye reopened yesterday after being shut in early January for its annual maintenance period with the attraction being renamed the Coca-Cola London Eye. The new partnership, signed in September, sees the Eye shine red at night, rather than blue, with each of the boxes having the drink’s branding inside. Staff are also wearing red hats and jackets marked with the Coca-Cola logo.

Jon Woods, general manager for Coca-Cola UK said: “We are delighted to be sponsoring such an iconic London landmark. We have a rich history in London and this new sponsorship will help us play an even greater part in future moments of happiness and celebration in the capital.”

But critics have spoken of their concern of the company sponsoring the London attraction and yesterday campaigners handed out 500 toothbrushes to families at the Eye to symbolize the amount of children being hospitalized every week due to tooth decay.

Malcolm Clark from the Children’s Food Campaign said: “Soft drinks are the largest single source of sugar in children and teenagers’ diets. Every week, almost 500 children aged five to nine are hospitalized due to rotten teeth. That is why we handed out 500 toothbrushes outside the Coca Cola London Eye. We believe it is inappropriate for a major family attraction such as the London Eye to be sponsored by a sugary drinks company. It sends completely the wrong message not just to children and their parents here in London, but right across the globe.”

The campaign’s website also claims that sugary drinks offer no nutritional benefits other than calories to a nation already suffering from high levels of obesity and dental decay. 

Merlin Entertainments, which runs the London Eye said that customers were free to consume what they want and added that they were delighted with the new partnership and had great plans for the future of the attraction. 


1.Why does the London Eye shine red at night?

A Because it was just reopened after maintenance.

B Because the sponsorship deal with Coca Cola was launched.

C Because each of the boxes had the drink’s branding on it.

D Because it wanted to attract more tourists after reopening.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段…the attraction turned red as a sponsorship deal with Coca Cola was launched可知,可口可乐公司与“伦敦眼”游乐场签订了赞助协议,协议生效后,“伦敦眼”摩天轮发出红光。结合第二段可知,红色是可口可乐Logo的颜色。

2.Why did the campaigners hand out 500 toothbrushes to the visitors?

A There were 500 people visiting the London Eye attraction.

B There were 500 children with their families coming to the attraction.

C 500 children went to hospital for tooth problems every week.

D 500 staff were working at the London Eye attraction.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段…500 toothbrushes… to symbolize the amount of children being hospitalized every week due to tooth decay可知,500支牙刷代表每周因为牙病住院的500名儿童。

3.What does Malcolm Clark want to say according to the passage?

A A family attraction should not be sponsored by a sugary company.

B The London Eye should not be renamed to the Coca Cola London Eye.

C Children and teenagers like to have sugar in their diets.

D Teenagers have rotten teeth because of having too much sugar.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第五段We believe it is inappropriate for …the London Eye to be sponsored by a sugary drinks company. It sends completely the wrong message not just to children and their parents…可以判断,Malcolm Clark认为,作为“伦敦眼”这样的名胜,不应该由一家糖饮料公司提供赞助,这样做的结果会有错误的导向的。

4.What is the campaigners’ attitude toward the new sponsorship deal?

A Positive.

B Doubtful.

C Interested.

D Negative.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章第六段sugary drinks offer no nutritional benefits other than calories to a nation already suffering from high levels of obesity and dental decay可以判断,活动者们对于新的赞助协议是持否定态度的。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Coca Cola Company Launched New Products

B The London Eye Shines Red Light at Night

C The London Eye’s Sponsorship Deal Meets Protest

D Toothbrushes Given to Children with Tooth Problems

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了“伦敦眼”开始由可口可乐公司赞助但遭到抗议的情况。故选C。