
When Jeff Atwood’s daughter began her senior year of high school, he started texting her life advice every morning. That daily ritual turned into a book years later. “When she got to the beginning of her senior year of high school, it caught me by surprise, and I was like, ‘Oh, this is sort of our last lap. Does she know what she needs to know?’ I mean, it really was one of those things, as a dad, you’re likely to think of. ‘She’s gonna go out into the world here and have I done my job? My wife and I—have we done our jobs helping her?’” said father of three daughters Jeff Atwood.

Throughout that year, friends and family started hearing he was sending his daughter the texts. “I would talk to my friends about it, ‘You know what, man guys, this is it. And so, you know, I want to do all that I can to make sure that that stuff just sits in her heart and in their mind.’ And they thought highly of what I did.”

He said other dads and parents kept asking him what he was sending in those messages and before long, he decided to write a book. His book, Need to Know for Graduates, which came out in Spring 2022 includes his texts and even has a page for gift-givers to include their own words of wisdom for their graduate.

His daughter, McKenzie who received all her dad’s texts in her senior year said they always had a close relationship and that year of messages was really further confirmation of that special bond. “It made me really delighted to just hear all these different pieces of advice and wonder whether the next one was going to be.” said McKenzie with a smile. 


1.Why did Jeff Atwood start to text her daughter?

A To plan a book of his own.

B To make himself surprised.

C To encourage her to run faster.

D To help her get ready for future.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段第一句的“he started texting her life advice every morning”以及倒数第二句的“She’s gonna go out into the world here and have I done my job...”可知,女儿即将离开校园去闯荡这个世界,父亲每天给女儿发短信提供生活建议,由此可见父亲发短信是为了帮助女儿为未来做好准备。故选D。

2.What did Jeff Atwood’s friends do after learning what he did?

A They supported him.

B They questioned him.

C They sat with him.

D They followed him.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句的“And they thought highly of what I did”可知,朋友们高度评价他的行为,即他们是支持他的。故选A。

3.Why did Jeff Atwood write the book?

A He made it a gift for his daughter.

B He wanted to share his experience.

C He looked for the wisdom in life.

D He needed to make money from it.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“He said other dads and parents kept asking him what he was sending in those messages and before long, he decided to write a book.”可知,其他人总是向他询问所发信息的内容,即学习他的经验,因此他决定写一本书书来分享这些经验。故选B。

4.What was McKenzie’s attitude toward those texts?

A Tolerant.

B Doubtful.

C Fond.

D Skeptical.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第四段中McKenzie所说的话“It made me really delighted to just hear all these different pieces of advice and wonder whether the next one was going to be.”可知,她很喜欢她父亲给她发的这些短信。故选C。