
“Up to your cheek, remember, to your cheek,” said Dakota, head archery coach for the nonprofit NubAbility. It could be the fact that participants get one-on-one instruction. “Boom, look at you; fist bump, fist bump that, alright,” Rogers tells another student. Or, it could be that the activity is truly interactive(互动的).

“I’m getting it perfect,” said participant Kenbe. But if you ask a kid like Kenbe, he loves it because he’s treated like any other kid. “Coaches here won’t ask questions because they have the same thing,” said Kenbe. Every participant at NubAbility’s Archery Clinic has limb(肢体) differences, including the coaching staff.

“My gym teacher couldn’t teach me—or didn’t know how to teach me—because I was missing a hand, so I sat on a bench of the sports ground and watched while everyone else got to shoot,” explained Dakota. “As a young boy, I said to my uncle, ‘No no, I’m going to learn how to do archery.’ So my uncle gave me a little bow and from there I taught myself,” he said. Clinics like these didn’t exist when he was a kid, which is why he’s so grateful to be coaching several of them now.

It’s also why Sam Kuhnert became the Founder and Executive director of NubAbility. It’s an organization centered around making sure kids with limb differences can try and learn just about any sport or activity. Kuhnert hopes these kids will learn that where there’s a will, there are lots of ways to succeed. “The more kids I can get in front of a teacher who looked like them, the more kids that are going to go out and inspire others,” Kuhnert said. Perhaps the most important lesson, especially at this age, is to always have plenty of faith in yourself.


1.What are the coaches like at NubAbility?

A Patient and kind.

B Strong and energetic.

C Rich and strong.

D Grateful and selfless.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第一段的“It could be the fact that participants get one-on-one instruction.”以及“Or, it could be that the activity is truly interactive.”可知,非营利组织NubAbility里的教练们一对一地教授学员,并且他们与学员进行互动式教学。结合后文可知NubAbility是一个致力于确保有肢体差异的孩子能够尝试并学习任何运动或活动的组织。综合推断可知这里的教练员们很有耐心和爱心。故选A。

2.What makes Kenbe love NubAbility’s Archery Clinic?

A Perfect equipment.

B Relaxing courses.

C Great coaches.

D Different limbs.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“he loves it because he’s treated like any other kid”以及Kenbe说的话“Coaches here won’t ask questions because they have the same thing”可知,是因为这里的教练员,Kenbe很喜欢这里。故选C。

3.________ was a reason why Dakota could coach at NubAbility’s Archery Clinic.

A The physical disability

B The passion for students

C The will of helping

D The lack of coaches

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“Every participant at NubAbility’s Archery Clinic has limb differences, including the coaching staff.”可知这里的教练员都是由肢体残疾的;结合第三段Dakota所说的话“because I was missing a hand”可知他只有一只手。即他的肢体残疾是他能在这里教学生的其中一个原因。故选A。

4.What would Kuhnert most like these kids to learn?

A Different sports.

B Being confident.

C Ways to succeed.

D Inspiring others.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Perhaps the most important lesson, especially at this age, is to always have plenty of faith in yourself.”可知,他认为这个年龄段的孩子最重要的是要学会自信。故选B。