
A video filmed in Seattle shows dozens of reported homeless people using the city’s public light rail system as a shelter to sleep. “A Sound Transit employee took a shocking video that shows about 30 homeless people using light rail as a homeless shelter. Why is this happening?” KTTH radio host Jason Rantz said Monday. The video pans across multiple Sound Transit cars, showing dozens of people sleeping. Rantz reported that the video was filmed on May 2 at the Angle Lake Station.

A few of the people are seen sleeping across multiple seats, while a handful of others are awake and leaning next to their belongings. A Sound Transit spokesperson said the “severity of the problem displayed in the video is particularly concerning” but called the video of the scene “new information for us,” according to Rantz. “We are also aware that operators are frustrated with these ongoing problems. While most riders during the day are having a safe and reliable experience, problems are very severe at times of lower ridership(客流量) and when support staffing is lower, such as early in the morning and later in the evening,” the spokesperson added in their comment to Rantz. 

Security vendors(供应商) for Sound Transit are tasked with walking through the cars at the end of the line and asking riders to exit. “The security vendor failed to perform this duty in this case,” the spokesperson said of the video. 

“We have several efforts underway to try and address the challenges. They focus on centering compassion while ensuring the transit(交通运输系统) environment is physically and psychologically safe for both riders and operators,” the spokesperson added. 

Sound Transit’s board of directors(董事会) voted last month to reform its fare enforcement protocols(执行协议) to address concerns over equity. The new policies include: increasing the number of warnings issued to riders who don’t pay so the issue is less likely to end up in civil court; not suspending people from the system over nonpayment.


1.What happened to the city’s public light rail system?

A It showed a shocking video.

B Some employees needed sleep.

C The homeless slept on the light rail.

D The passengers liked talking.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“A video filmed in Seattle shows dozens of reported homeless people using the city’s public light rail system as a shelter to sleep.”可知很多无家可归的人在车厢内睡觉。故选C。

2.Why do riders have bad experiences early in the morning according to Rantz?

A Few homeless sleep across multiple seats.

B Some riders lean next to their belongings.

C Operators are frustrated with the problem.

D More homeless people are sleeping on the trains.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句的“problems are very severe at times of lower ridership(客流量) and when support staffing is lower, such as early in the morning”可知,大清早时客流量较少和工作人员较少,由此推断车厢里睡觉的流浪汉会更多,造成乘客体验不好。故选D。

3.Who are to blame for the present situation?

A Sound Transit’s directors.

B Security vendors.

C The passengers.

D The employees.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的“The security vendor failed to perform this duty in this case,”可知,造成目前这种情况的原因是安全供应商的失职,即他们应该对这种情况负责。故选B。

4.In which part of a newspaper can we find the passage?

A Society.

B Health.

C Economy.

D Sports.
