
In Japan(日本), people made a very special robot. People use it to help fix railways(铁路). It is very large and heavy. It can lift things up to 40 kilograms. It can reach as high as ten meters. The robot is on a crane(起重机). It has two hands. A person controls(控制) the robot with a remote control(遥控器) and a VR headset(虚拟现实头盔).

The special robot does difficult or dangerous work for people. In the past, workers sometimes fell from high places when they fixed railways. There was also another danger: some people were electrocuted(触电致死). The robot helps solve these problems. It can also save manpower(人力).

Now, the robot helps workers only in a few places in Japan. In the near future, it will help people in many places. It will help workers in other countries, too. 


1.Where does the special robot work?

A In the train.

B In the office.

C Along the railway.

D In the park.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第一段的“People use it to help fix railways.”可知,人们用该机器人来进行铁路维修,由此推断它是被用于铁路沿线。故选C。

2.What can’t we know about the robot?

A It’s heavy.

B It’s long.

C It’s big.

D It’s different.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“people made a very special robot.”和“It is very large and heavy.”可知,这个机器人很特别(不一样)、很大(big)、很重。文中并未提及它很长。故选B。

3.What does the underlined “solve” mean?

A Moving things from one place to another.

B Wanting something very much.

C Working out problems.

D Making things smaller.


4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A The robot can fix railways by itself.

B People can turn a crane into the robot.

C You can only see the new robot in Japan.

D People can buy the robot in other countries.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Now, the robot helps workers only in a few places in Japan.”可知,现在,这款机器人只在日本的几个地方为人们提供帮助。故选C。

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A A Robot And the Railway.

B A Robot Fixes Railways.

C A Robot And Some Workers.

D Problems On the Railway.
