
Experts have warned Australians might one day be unable to play sports outside if temperatures continue to rise.

It’s one of several serious predictions coming out of the latest report from the IPCC(政府间气候变化专门委员会). The report said while actions to reduce climate risks had increased all over the world, much more was required. Human beings risk finally reaching the limit(极限) of their ability to adapt to(适应) climate change. 

Report co-author and IPCC vice chair Professor Mark Howden warned Australians could also be coming close to their own physiological limits. “Our bodies can adapt to hot temperatures outside to a certain degree,” Professor Howden said. “But then we can’t do that without some kind of active cooling. If you get very high temperatures, you either have to stop your exercise or you become too hot. If you’re still wanting to be active, you actually have to find some ways of having active cooling in that environment. So we reach a limit to where our adaptive ability can go.” He added Australian workdays might also need a rethink—with choices including a nap(小睡) during the day to avoid the hottest temperatures.

Another key message from the report was the very closely connected fates(命运) of human and natural systems. It said that climate change cannot be controlled, unless badly damaged forests and oceans can be repaired and protected to prevent worse air pollution. 90 percent of Australians want more action on climate change, and as part of the world, people need to take steps to make this situation of climate change become better.


1.What do human beings risk at last according to the report?

A Eating in a dirty place every day.

B Playing sports in the open air.

C Having difficulty working at home.

D Being unable to get used to climate change.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“Human beings risk finally reaching the limit of their ability to adapt to climate change”可知,人类会面临适应气候变化的能力最终达到极限的风险,即不能适应气候变化。故选D。

2.What can we know from Mark Howden’s words?

A Our bodies will easily reach a limit during exercise.

B Active cooling is very important to us when we play sports.

C Our bodies can adapt to hot temperatures both inside and outside.

D When we get very high temperatures, we can continue our exercise.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第三段“But then we can’t do that without some kind of active cooling.”可知,身体主动降温对做运动来说非常重要。故选B。

3.Why does Mark Howden think Australians will need a nap during the day?

A To help them relax.

B To make them feel cooler.

C To clear away their tiredness.

D To avoid the hottest temperatures.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“with choices including a nap during the day to avoid the hottest temperatures.”可知,午睡的目的是避免高温。故选D。

4.What will the writer probably talk about after the last paragraph?

A When the IPCC was founded.

B Where these serious predictions were made.

C What humans can do to control climate change.

D Why Australians want more action on climate change.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知,人们需要采取行动,使气候变化的情况变得更好,因此接下来可能讨论可具体采取哪些行动,故选C。

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A Climate change will never be controlled.

B Actions to control climate risks have increased.

C Climate change can change how we work and exercise.

D IPCC made a report on human and natural systems.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讨论了气候变化可能对人们的工作和娱乐方式产生的影响。故选C。