
John Lee was elected as Hong Kong’s next leader Sunday, after winning over 99% of the votes cast by nearly 1,500 members of the election committee. Lee received 1,416 votes, far exceeding the 751 votes required to win the election. 

As the only candidate in the polls, Lee was widely expected to win, especially since he had last month obtained 786 nominations from members of the Election Committee in support of his candidacy(候选资格). 

“I look forward to all of us starting a new chapter together, building a Hong Kong that is caring, open and vibrant, and a Hong Kong that is full of opportunities and harmony,” Lee said in his victory speech.

Lee will replace current chief executive Carrie Lam on July 1. Carrie Lam on Sunday extended congratulations to John Lee. Lam said that she and the current-term HKSAR(香港特别行政区) government will ensure a seamless(无缝的) transition with Lee, and render all the support needed for the assumption of office by the new term of government.

The Chinese central government’s liaison office(联络处) in Hong Kong also congratulated Lee in a statement and said the election was conducted in a “fair, just and orderly manner in accordance with laws and regulations.” “Lee received many nominations and was elected with a high number of 1,416 votes. This is not only the right choice of the election committee, but also a strong expression of public opinion,” the statement read.

China’s Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council also congratulated Lee in a statement, saying the “successful election” proved that the city’s new electoral system is “good” and in line with the “one country, two systems” framework that Hong Kong is governed by. The statement added that the new chief executive will lead Hong Kong and “people from all walks of life to forge ahead in unity.”


1.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A John Lee won the chief executive election.

B Many people showed love to John Lee.

C John Lee needed over 751 votes to win.

D The city’s top leader wasn’t decided.

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句的“John Lee was elected as Hong Kong’s next leader Sunday...”可知该段主要讲的是李家超当选香港下一任行政长官。故选A。

2.The underlined word “render” in the forth paragraph may mean ______.

A expect

B provide

C obtain

D save

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。 根据第四段的“Lam said that she and the current-term HKSAR government will ensure a seamless transition with Lee, and render all the support needed for the assumption of office by the new term of government.”可知,现任行政长官林月娥将确保交接顺利,故为此她会“提供”必要的支持。故选B。

3.What did Lee think of the future of Hong Kong?

A Tough.

B Conservative.

C Awesome.

D Horrible.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段的“building a Hong Kong that is caring, open and vibrant, and a Hong Kong that is full of opportunities and harmony,”可知,在李家超看来香港的未来是极好的。故选C。

4.What did the election show?

A The success of electoral system.

B The great need for two systems.

C People of all classes are equal.

D The framework needs changing.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“saying the ‘successful election’ proved that the city’s new electoral system is ‘good’”可知,该选举结果证明了香港新选举制度的成功。故选A。