
Toby Keith’s birthday is on January 9. He is more than 21 years old now. Guinness World Records(吉尼斯世界纪录) said he is the oldest dog alive. “People can’t believe how good he looks for his age,” the old dog’s owner(主人), Gisela Shore, said.

Shore took him home from an animal shelter(收容所) when he was just a few months old. “I was a volunteer(志愿者) then. A worker told me that an elderly couple(老年夫妇) wanted to give up a dog because they could not take care of him any longer,” said Shore. “I met with the elderly couple. And they took me to see a little Chihuahua(吉娃娃). His name was Peanut Butter. But I later named him Toby Keith.”

Toby Keith’s day starts with a morning walk, then his favorite food: turkey. He goes on a few more short walks and lies(躺) next to Shore while she is working.


1.When was Toby Keith born(出生)?

A In 2009.

B In 2021.

C In 2001.

D In 2013.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段“Toby Keith’s birthday is on January 9. He is more than 21 years old now.”可知现在Toby Keith是21岁多,即他出生于2022-21=2001年。故选C。

2.Who kept Toby Keith at first?

A A worker.

B Shore’s friend.

C An elderly couple.

D An animal shelter.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段的“A worker told me that an elderly couple(老年夫妇)wanted to give up a dog...”可知,当时一对老年夫妇想弃养一条狗,由此推断,最初是这对老年夫妇在喂养这条狗。故选C。

3.Why did the first owner give up Toby Keith?

A Because his owner sold him.

B Because his owner didn’t like him.

C Because he couldn’t find his way home.

D Because his owner couldn’t look after him.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“...because they could not take care of him any longer”可知,这条狗的第一任主人弃养他的原因是主人再也不能照顾他了。故选D。

4.What did Shore do for Toby Keith?

A She built him a house.

B She gave him a new name.

C She bought him many clothes.

D She helped him find his owner.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“I later named him Toby Keith.”可知,Shore把狗的名字改成了Toby Keith。故选B。

5.Which is NOT Toby Keith’s everyday activities(活动)?

A Eating turkey.

B Lying next to Shore.

C Working with Shore.

D Doing a morning walk.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,Toby Keith的日常活动包括早上散步,然后吃他最喜欢的火鸡,然后又散一会步,在Shore工作的时候,他就躺在旁边。原文并不是说和Shore一起工作。故选C。