
Reading is fun! But should it be required, or should kids have the chance to choose between Yes and No? Many kids are given books to read over the summer. Some people say summer reading keeps kids’ minds sharp(敏锐的). Others say kids need a break.

You’re on break. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn. Books can teach you anything and everything. You can learn new words or get inspired to create(创作) your own book! —Alexandra Kotsinis, 10, Westfield, New Jersey

Summer vacation is usually three months long. This means there is a long learning gap before the next school year. This time can be used to read. And it can stop learning loss. —Simran Adnani, 7, Troy, Michigan

Yes, summer reading should be required. It’s something fun that can replace(代替) screen time. —Kauther Haque, 10, Milton, Ontario, Canada

If summer reading is not required, more kids will spend their time playing outside. This is a very healthy lifestyle to develop. —Aahil Bhagyaraj, 10, Chattanooga, Tennessee

We already have nine months of reading in school. Why do we have to read during our three months of freedom(自由)? —Ansley MacLeod, 11, Denver, Colorado

Summertime is a time for kids to relax, go outside, and enjoy just being a kid. —Pallavi Shah, 11, Scotch Plains, New Jersey

Kids have activities planned for the summer, such as going camping. So they won’t have time for extra reading. —Naftali Bochner, 10, Bronx, New York


1.What does the underlined word “required” mean?

A 建议.

B 反对.

C 要求.

D 放弃.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据第一段划线部分后文“or should kids have the chance to choose between Yes and No”可知,前文是说孩子们没有选择说“是”或者“不”,即他们是被强制的,被要求的。故选C。

2.According to Kauther Haque, summer reading may _________.

A stop learning loss

B get kids more active

C reduce the use of computers

D give kids more fun time

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,Kauther Haque认为暑期阅读可以代替屏幕时间,即让孩子花更少的时间在手机、电脑、iPad等电子产品上面。故选C。

3.Who is against summer reading?

A Alexandra Kotsinis.

B Kauther Haque.

C Simran Adnani.

D Pallavi Shah.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,Pallavi Shah认为暑假是放松的时间,孩子们应该走出去,尽情享受作为孩子的快乐。由此推断他是反对暑期阅读的。故选D。

4.Kids from _________ places give their opinions.

A five

B six

C seven

D eight

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据全文可知,文章中有七位孩子给出了自己的建议,其中有两个均来自新泽西州(New Jersey),即这些孩子来自六个地方。故选B。

5.The passage mainly talks about _________.

A books for kids

B summer reading

C summer activities

D plans for the summer

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。根据全文可知,文章围绕是否应该要求孩子进行暑期阅读展开,并给出了几个孩子的观点。故选B。