
On April 4, the United Nations (U.N.) gave a news report. Climate scientists say countries must use less or even stop using coal and oil, because they make much air pollution. And the pollution causes worse global warming(全球变暖). Then there come more dangers of global warming, such as droughts (no rain), forest fires, and ecosystem loss(生态系统破坏).

António Guterres is the U.N. Secretary-General. He says the planet is facing the very serious environmental problem. In 2015, world governments promised to cut emissions(排放). This was to keep global warming to just below 3°F. But many countries have not met their goal. Soon, it will be much harder to keep global warming under control.

  ▲   The report says the technology for renewable energy (可再生能源), such as solar and wind power (太阳能和风能), is becoming better and cheaper. Experts say rich countries could help poor countries move toward clean energy.

James Skea helped lead the group that did the report. He said the scientists are sending a message: “Human activities got us into this problem, and human action can actually get us out of it again.”


1.What can we know from climate scientists’ words from Paragraph 1?

A Air pollution comes from global warming.

B Countries must make less air pollution.

C Coal and oil are good for humans.

D Droughts are necessary for people.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句“Climate scientists say countries must use less or even stop using coal and oil, because they make much air pollution.”可知,气候学家认为我们应该减少使用或停止使用燃煤和石油,因为它们制造大量的空气污染,也就是说气候学家认为我们应该减少空气污染。故选B。

2.Why did world governments promise to cut emissions?

A To keep clean energy under control.

B To control global warming.

C To help poor countries.

D To meet their goal.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三四句“In 2015, world governments promised to cut emissions(排放). This was to keep global warming to just below 3°F”可知,世界各国政府承诺减少排放,是为了将全球变暖控制在低于3华氏度 ,即为了控制全球变暖。故选B。

3.Which of the following can be put back into “ ▲ ”?

A But there’s hope.

B It is so difficult.

C Renewable energy is hard to get.

D Many rich countries are short of clean energy.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,人类有可再生能源可以使用,所以虽然目前气候问题严重,但仍然存在着(改善的)希望,选项A最符合文意。故选A。

4.What does the underlined word “it” refer to(指代) in the last paragraph?

A The group.

B The report.

C Global warming.

D The human activity.

解析:选C。C 词意指代题。根据上文所谈论的主题——全球变暖,可知James Skea认为是人类活动造成了全球变暖,那么人类采取的行动也可以解决全球变暖这个问题,由此可知it指代全球变暖。故选C。

5.We can read the passage in a magazine about _________.

A health

B education

C technology

D environment

解析:选D。D 文章出处题。根据全文内容可知,本文内容与自然环境有关,故选D。