
Keepers of a zoo with gray parrots say five parrots were encouraging each other to say dirty words. Billy, Eric, Tyson, Jade and Elsie joined the parrot zoo in May 2020. And they quickly made the keepers feel it not easy to deal with their naughty(调皮的) language.

“We are quite used to parrots saying dirty words, but we’ve never had five at the same time,” said the zoo’s manager, Steve. “Most parrots keep quiet outside, but for some reason these five enjoy saying something.”

Steve said that the parrots “say dirty words to attract some attention,” so seeing people shocked or laughing only encourages the birds to swear more.“With the five, one would say and another would laugh and that would carry on,” he said.

According to Steve, none of the zoo’s visitors felt unhappy about the parrots, and most found them funny. “When a parrot tells you to ‘f*** off’, it makes people laugh a lot,” he said. “It has brought a big smile to a really hard year.”

Still, keepers thought it would be best to keep them away from children, for children learn things quickly. They were moved to different areas of the park so they don’t “cause each other to say those words more,” he said.


1.How long have the five parrots been in the zoo?

A For eight months.

B For one year.

C For about two years.

D For more than three years.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Billy, Eric, Tyson, Jade and Elsie joined the parrot zoo in May 2020”可知,这五只鹦鹉在2020年5月进入园区,到现在大概两年时间。故选C。

2.Who doesn’t probably say dirty words?

A Eric.

B Steve.

C Billy.

D Tyson.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“the zoo’s manager, Steve”可知,Steve是该动物园的经理,他可能不会说脏话。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “swear” probably mean?

A 说脏话.

B 逗乐.

C 发誓.

D 下决心.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据前面的“the parrots ‘say dirty words to attract some attention’”可知,这些鹦鹉说脏话是为了引起注意,因此当这些鹦鹉看到人们震惊或大笑时,这只会鼓励它们说更多的脏话,由此可推断swear同say dirty words同义。故选A。

4.What do visitors think of those birds?

A They hate them.

B They are smart birds.

C They bring happiness.

D They make the year hard.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第四段的“none of the zoo’s visitors felt unhappy about the parrots”可知,没有人抱怨这些鹦鹉说脏话;根据“most found them funny”可知很多人都觉得它们很有趣;根据“it makes people laugh a lot”可知这些鹦鹉让人们笑得很开心。由此推断动物园的游客认为,这些鸟给他们带来了快乐。故选C。

5.Why should the five parrots be kept away from children?

A Birds don’t like children.

B Children could hurt them.

C Children teach them to say dirty words.

D Children may learn dirty words from them.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据前文内容可知,这五只鹦鹉一直说脏话;结合最后一段中的“for children learn things quickly”可推断,让这些说脏话的鹦鹉远离儿童是为了不要让儿童听到并学习这些脏话。故选D。