
Alli Marois, 23, posted a video on TikTok(抖音) asking for help for her project. Her father had recently retired from the Des Moines Fire Department and his 61st birthday is coming up in August. She explained that she wanted to make a quilt(被子) from shirts with logos(徽标) of fire stations all across the U.S.

“He really is passionate about being a firefighter. That’s the one thing that he’s loved. If someone was born to do something, my dad was born to be a firefighter,” Marois said. “My dad is one of my number one supporters and he is really one of the best men in my life and I wouldn’t trade him for anything.”

Marois said throughout her childhood, whenever her family traveled, her father would get a T-shirt from the local fire department. Since he hasn’t had the chance to visit all 50 states, she realized the quilt would be a “great gift”. So Marois turned to TikTok to make her dream gift a reality.

Marois has since received T-shirts from all 50 states — plus more! She has 100 shirts and counting, including a few from overseas fire departments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Along with the shirts, she’s received handwritten letters from firefighters.

In her latest video update, Marois says she is in the process of cutting shirts to make the quilt. She added that she will post a video when the quilt is finished and presented to her father. “As soon as all of these shirts started to come in, I got very moved because people are helping someone they don’t even know,” she said. “They’ve never met me, they’ve never even talked to me.”


1.What is the possible birthday gift for Alli Marois’s father?

A A birthday celebration.

B A special handmade quilt.

C A TikTok video about her father.

D Different shirts across the U.S.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“She explained that she wanted to make a quilt(被子) from shirts with logos of fire stations all across the U.S.”可知,Marois想用带有美国各地消防局标志的衬衫做一床被子,作为送给父亲的61岁生日礼物。故选B。

2.Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word “passionate”?

A Loving.

B Perfect.

C Excited.

D Excellent.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据第二段的“That’s the one thing that he’s loved”可知,这是他所热爱的一件事。由此猜测passionate意为“热衷的”,loving的意思与之最为接近。故选A。

3.What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A Marois realized her dream through TikTok.

B Marois thought her gift was the best for her father.

C Marois’s family loved travelling when they were free.

D Marois’s father was interested in collecting firefighter T-shirts.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段的“Marois said throughout her childhood, whenever her family traveled, her father would get a T-shirt from the local fire department.”可知,在Marois的整个童年时期,每当她的家人一起旅行时,她的父亲都会从当地消防部门购买一件T恤。由此推断马罗斯的父亲对收集消防员T恤很感兴趣。故选D。

4.What was Marois doing now according to the passage?

A She was filming a video about her gift.

B She was making the quilt for his father.

C She was counting the shirts she received.

D She was replying to the letters from firefighters.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第五段的“In her latest video update, Marois says she is in the process of cutting shirts to make the quilt”可知,Marois目前正在裁剪这些衬衫做被子。故选B。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A T-shirts and a Quilt.

B A Firefighter’s Birthday.

C Girl and Her Father’s Hobby.

D A Special Gift for a Beloved Dad.

解析:选D。D 文章标题题。本文主要讲述了美国爱荷华州的一名女子想利用全美50个州寄来的消防局T恤,为自己的父亲制作一件特殊生日礼物的故事。故选D。