
Maria Balboa works as a bagger at the H-E-B in Corpus Christi, TX. Last Monday, she was bagging for a woman who had two little boys with her. When it was time to pay, Maria said the woman only had $19 left on her SNAP card and couldn’t afford the rest of the total.

“She was going to put back the groceries(杂货) instead of a couple of things that she needed for dinner that night. I asked the cashier(收银员) what the remaining total was and she said it was $137,” Maria recalled. “Soon I heard a voice inside my head saying, ‘pay for the groceries’. I stopped to think for a second but then I heard again, ‘Pay for the groceries, Maria!’”

The woman tried to refuse the kind offer but Maria insisted. Maria paid the bill. The next day, Maria was called into the manager’s office. She thought she was in trouble. It turns out the woman whose groceries she paid for filled out a survey. In the survey, the woman explained her  problems. She is providing for her two grandchildren on her own and working a low-paying job to keep the grandchildren out of foster(寄养) care.

“I was embarrassed not having enough money and she insisted to pay for them,” the woman wrote in the survey. “Today she made me cry but happy tears. Thank you from the heart for your kindness. My grandkids and I have managed to pull through since January. It’s been very hard but God put this young lady at the bagging area for us. I wish I could have gotten her name.” 

The store’s manager, Mark Moeller, ended up reimbursing(报销) Maria for her kindness. She also received a goody basket with groceries.


1.Why did Maria Balboa helped the woman pay for the groceries?

A Because she was driven by her kind heart.

B Because she once had the same experience.

C Because she wanted to pass on the kindness.

D Because she practised doing daily good deeds.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。 根据第二段的“Immediately I heard a voice inside my head saying, ‘pay for the groceries’. I stopped to think for a second but then I heard again, ‘Pay for the groceries, Maria!”可知,玛丽亚立刻听到一个声音在她的脑海里说:“付食品杂货费”。她停下来想了想,但接着她又听到了:“玛丽亚,付食品杂货费”。由此可知玛丽亚受到自己善心的驱使才去帮助这位女士的,故选A。

2.How much were the groceries worth in total?

A $19.

B $118.

C $137.

D $156.

解析:选D。D 数字计算题。根据第一段的“Maria said the woman only had $19 left on her SNAP card and couldn’t afford the rest of the total.”以及第二段的“I asked the cashier what the remaining total was and she said it was $137”可知,这位女士卡里只有19美元,而玛丽亚帮她支付了剩余总额的137美元,故这些食品杂货价值19+137=156美元。故选D。

3.What’s the woman’s response to Maria’s kindness?

A She paid back the money the next day.

B She ended up accepting the offer.

C She expressed her thanks to Maria.

D She refused to take the things away.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第三段的“The woman tried to refuse the kind offer but Maria insisted. Maria paid the bill.”可知,这位女士试图拒绝这个善意的提议,但玛丽亚坚持帮她付款,最终玛丽亚付了账。由此可知,这位女士最终接受了玛丽亚的好意,故选B。

4.What is the woman’s survey mainly about?

A The situation of the woman’s family.

B The explanation for being short of money.

C The description of the whole thing on that day.

D The kind words towards Maria’s behavior.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,在这份调查中,这位女士衷心感谢了玛丽亚的好意。从一月份开始,她和她的两个孙子就一直在苦苦挣扎,她表示上帝让她遇见这位年轻的女士,由此可见,她深深地感激玛丽亚并对她进行了赞美。故选D。

5.What did Mark Moeller do when he knew the story?

A He invited Maria to be a manager.

B He praised Maria for her kindness.

C He paid back money to and rewarded her.

D He also offered groceries to the woman.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,这家商店的经理马克·默勒最报销了玛利亚做好事所花的费用,并且她还收到了一个装满食品杂货的篮子(作为给她的奖励)。故选C。