
Today is a fine Saturday. Jane and Laura are walking to the shopping mall. They want to buy new clothes for a party. Jane has some money and Laura has some money.

Suddenly, Jane is calling: “Laura! Laura! Look at that blue dress! Isn’t it beautiful? I want that dress, but I don’t have enough money.” Laura is calling: “What are you talking about? This is an ugly dress! It is just horrible! I don’t even want to see this dress.” “OK, OK…” Jane is whispering(嘀咕) sadly.

Suddenly Laura is calling: “Oh my god! Look at this red dress! It is beautiful! I want this dress. Oh, but look at the price. It is too expensive for me.” Now Jane is calling: “What are you talking about? This is an ugly dress! It is really horrible! I don’t even want to see it.” “OK, OK…” Laura is whispering sadly.

Now Jane is sad, and Laura is sad. They don’t speak to each other. They are walking home. They have no new clothes, but they know that next time they should respect(尊重) other’s opinions...

1.What day is it tomorrow?

A Friday.

B Saturday.

C Sunday.

D Monday.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题 。 根据第 一 句 “Today is a fine Saturday.”可知今天是星期六,明天就是星期天。故选 C。

2.What are Jane and Laura going to do?

A Have a walk.

B Find a mall.

C Buy new clothes.

D Go to a party.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“They want to buy new clothes”可知他们要去买新衣服。故选 C。

3.What does Jane think of the blue dress?

A It’s beautiful.

B It’s ugly.

C It’s horrible.

D It’s cheap.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段 Jane 说的话“Isn’t it beautiful? I want that dress”可知,她认为蓝色裙子很漂亮。故选 A。

4.Why can’t Laura buy the red dress?

A Because it’s beautiful.

B Because it’s ugly.

C Because it’s horrible.

D Because it’s expensive.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。 根据第三段 Laura 说的话“It is too expensive for me”可知,因为她觉得裙子太贵,所以不能买。故选 D。

5.What’s wrong with Jane and Laura at last?

A They lose their money.

B They get angry with each other.

C They both get new clothes.

D They respect each other’s opinions.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“They don’t speak to each other.”她们彼此不说话,可知她们互相生气了。故选 B。