
Laura is at the airport(机场) in London. It is 2 p.m. now. She waits for her flight(航班). Her flight is to Berlin, at 4 p.m. and it is two hours away. Laura walks around the airport and looks at the shops. She has a nice time.

An hour later, she wants to visit the bathroom. She searches for it, but she doesn’t find it. “Where is the bathroom?” she asks herself. She looks and looks but she can’t find it. She starts asking people where it is.

Laura: “Excuse me sir, could you please tell me where the bathroom is ?” Man: “You mean the restroom, right?” Laura: “No, I mean the bathroom.” Man: “Well, the restroom is over there.” He says and walks away. Laura doesn’t understand. She asks a lady: “Excuse me madam, could you please tell me where the bathroom is?” “The restroom is over there,” the lady answers and walks away. Laura is confused(困惑的). “What’s their problem? I need to use the bathroom but they send me to rest?! I don’t need a restroom! I need the bathroom!”

After a while Laura gives up. She feels tired of all this walking and asking. She thinks that maybe they are all right and she does need to rest. She walks to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes a restroom is actually the same as a public bathroom!

1.How long does it take to fly from London to Berlin?

A Two hours

B Four hours.

C One hour.

D Half an hour.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段第四句“Her flight is to Berlin, at 4 p.m. and it is two hours away.”可知,伦敦到柏林坐飞机需要 2 小时。故选 A。

2.When does Laura want to find a bathroom?

A At 2 p.m.

B At 4 p.m.

C At 1 p.m.

D At 3 p.m.

解析:选D。D 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 “Laura is at the airport(机场) in London. It is 2 p.m.”和第二段“An hour later, she wants to visit the bathroom.”可知劳拉是在下午 3 点的时候想找厕所的。故选 D。

3.How many people are mentioned(提到) in this passage?

A One.

B Two.

C Three.

D Four.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据全文内容可知,文章分别提到了劳拉、劳拉问路的男士、劳拉问路的女士,一共三个人。故选 C。

4.Why is Laura confused?

A People have problems for her.

B She can’t find the restroom.

C She doesn’t understand the lady.

D The man doesn’t answer her.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后两段可知,劳拉很困惑,因为她需要用 bathroom,但是别人却一直给她指路到 restroom。殊不知,是因为她自己不知道restroom 就是 bathroom,即她没有理解别人的意思。故选 C。

5.What is a restroom?

A It’s a room for rest.

B It’s a public bathroom.

C It’s a room for showers.

D It’s a room for exercising.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“She realizes a restroom is actually the same as a public bathroom!”可知 restroom 就是 bathroom 的意思。故选 B。