女孩打鼓扰民不听劝说 父母急中生智巧化解
女孩打鼓扰民不听劝说 父母急中生智巧化解

Nicole has a new set of drums. She likes playing the drums. She practices playing the drums day and night. Her parents tell her, “Nicole, we are happy that you like the drums, but you can’t play the drums all the time. There are other people in the apartment. There are other people in the building. There are other people in the neighborhood. And they all need to sleep at night!”

Nicole listens to them. She says she understands, but she doesn’t stop doing it. She practices playing the drums  all the time! Her parents complain(抱怨), her sister complains, the neighbors complain. Even Nicole’s cat complains! “OK, OK,” Nicole says, “I will be a good girl. I will do it more quietly.” But this doesn’t help much. No one can work, no one can rest, and no one can sleep.

One day Nicole comes home and sees her parents and her sister in the living room. She sees new things: a guitar, a trumpet(小号), and a piano. Nicole is very amazed! “Wow!” she says, “What are these?” “Well,” her father answers, “we see that we can’t stop you, so we decide to join you!”

1.What does Nicole’s parents want her to do?

A To give up playing the drums.

B To stop playing the drums at night.

C To sleep in their apartment.

D To show her drums to other people.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段“She practices playing the drums day and night.”以 及 最后 一 句 “And they all need to sleep at night”可知妮可一天到晚都在练习打鼓(影响他人休息),父母告诉她邻居晚上需要睡觉,由此可推断父母想让她晚上不要打鼓。故选 B。

2.How do the neighbors feel when Nicole plays the drums?

A Bored.

B Happy.

C Angry.

D Excited.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题 。 根据第二段 “the neighbors complain”可知邻居抱怨了,即邻居感到生气。故选 C。

3.How many members are there in Nicole’s family?

A Eight.

B Seven.

C Six.

D Five.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Her parents”“her sister”以及“Nicole’s cat”可知,妮可家里一共有五位成员。故选 D。

4.What does the underlined word “amazed” mean?

A Surprised.

B Relaxed.

C Scared.

D Sad.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据后文的“Wow!”可知妮可很惊讶。故选 A。

5.What might be the end of the story?

A Nicole stops playing the drums at night.

B The family play drums together.

C The neighbors stop complaining.

D No one can work and sleep at home.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后几句可知作者的家人也加入了练习乐器的行列,一家人一起练习吉他、小号、钢琴和打鼓,是个多么混乱的场景,由此推知妮可应该会妥协,不再一直练习打鼓。故选 A。