
Emily is 8 years old. She lives in a big house. She has a huge room. She has many toys and she has a lot of friends. But Emily is not happy. She has a secret. She doesn’t want to tell anyone about her secret. She feels embarrassed. The problem is that if nobody knows about it, there is no one that can help her.
Emily doesn’t write her homework. When there is an exam—she gets sick. She doesn’t tell anyone, but the truth is she can’t read or write. Emily doesn’t remember the letters of the alphabet(字母表).
One day, Emily’s teacher finds out. She sees that Emily can’t write on the blackboard. She calls her after class and asks her to tell the truth. Emily says, “It is true. I don’t know how to read and write.” The teacher listens to her. She wants to help Emily. She tells her, “That’s OK. You can read and write if we practice together.”
So Emily and her teacher meet every day after class. They practice together. Emily works hard. Now she knows how to read and write!

1.What is Emily’s secret?

A She can’t read or write.

B Nobody can help her.

C She doesn’t like homework.

D She doesn’t know letters.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“She doesn’t tell anyone, but the truth is she can’t read or write.”可 知,她从未告诉任何人,真相就是她既不会认字,也不会写字。这也就是她一直隐藏的秘密。故选 A。

2.How does the teacher help Emily?

A She calls Emily.

B She tells the truth.

C She listens to Emily.

D She practices with Emily.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段的“She wants to help Emily. ”以及“You can read and write if we practice together.”可知,老师是通过陪着艾米丽一起练习来帮助她的。故选 D。

3.From the passage we can know Emily________.

A is happy

B is a pupil

C has no friend

D often gets sick

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段的“Emily is 8 years old.” 和 第 二 段 的 “Emily doesn’t write her homework”可推断,8 岁的艾米丽应该是一个小学生。故选 B。

4.What do you think of Emily’s teacher?

A Helpful.

B Clever.

C Strict.

D Terrible.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据老师帮助艾米丽一起练习认字和写字可知,艾米丽的老师很乐于助人。故选 A。

5.What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

A The house.

B The room.

C The secret.

D A toy.

解析:选C。C 词意指代题。根据前面的“She doesn’t want to tell anyone about her secret.”她不想告诉任何人关于她的秘密,但是她又担心如果没有人知道她的秘密,就没有人能帮助她,所以此处的 it 指的是前面提到的“秘密”。故选 C。