
The Souq Waqif medical center sits in the historic center of Doha, the capital of Qatar. It appears to be a hospital with the latest equipment for medical care. Workers move about while sounds and lights come out of operating rooms. Specialists look at X-rays as doctors prepare for surgery. There is just one thing: The rooms are filled with falcons(猎鹰).

In the small, wealthy country of Qatar, falcons are among the nation’s most prized residents. Long respected across the Arabian Peninsula(阿拉伯半岛) for their hunting abilities, falcons are now used to show a person’s wealth or social standing.

Although less common now than in ancient times, the art of falconry(训鹰术) is still passed down from one generation to the next in Qatar and other Persian Gulf(波斯湾) states. In recent years, groups that teach the sport have started up across the area. Falcons compete in an increasing number of races and beauty events. The finest falcons sell for at least a few thousand dollars and Qataris are willing to pay to keep them healthy.

Dr. Ikdam Al Karkhi is Souq Waqif hospital director. He said, “The establishment of the hospital was to support the hobby and heritage of raising falcons.” He added, “Keeping them alive and well is an essential duty.” Public hospitals like Souq Waqif offer care to about 30,000 sick and wounded birds a year. The hospital is often full of owners and trainers bringing their birds in for check-ups, medical tests, feather replacements, and surgeries.

The falcon’s hunt may be a respected tradition, but it is also difficult and dangerous work. At times, the cornered animal fights back, injures the falcon, and damages its wings. Each of a falcon’s feathers is important for its ability to fly, necessitating careful feather replacement after fights. Doctors pull from a collection of feathers to find one that perfectly matches the wounded bird. “If these damaged feathers remain, it can cause loss or reduction of the bird’s fitness,” Al Karkhi said. “They must be treated.”


1.What role does the Souq Waqif medical center play in Doha?

A It is the most advanced medical center in Qatar.

B It mainly serves the falcon owners and trainers.

C It is in charge of thousands of different birds’ health.

D It provides medical services for large numbers of falcons.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段“a hospital with the latest equipment for medical care”和“The rooms are filled with falcons”以及第四段“The establishment of the hospital was to support the hobby and heritage of raising falcons.”可知,瓦吉夫老市场医疗中心是一家拥有最先进医疗设备的医院,房间里满是猎鹰。医院的建立是为了支持饲养猎鹰的爱好和传统。由此可推知该医院是为猎鹰提供医疗服务的。故选D。

2.Why are Qataris keen on raising falcons?

A To inherit the art of falconry.

B To turn their hobby into a career.

C To respect falcons’ hunting ability.

D To earn a fortune and social status.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“Long respected across the Arabian Peninsula(阿拉伯半岛) for their hunting abilities, falcons are now used to show a person’s wealth or social standing.”可知,猎鹰因其狩猎能力而长期备受尊敬,现在它们被用来彰显一个人的财富或社会地位。由此可推知人们是想通过养猎鹰来赚取财富和社会地位。故选D。

3.Which of the following best describes the art of falconry in Qatar?

A It is part of traditional culture.

B It brings huge wealth to local areas.

C It takes up Qataris a lot of spare time.

D It is only a game among rich people.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段的“...the art of falconry(训鹰术) is still passed down from one generation to the next in Qatar and other Persian Gulf(波斯湾) states.”可知,在卡塔尔和其他波斯湾地区,训鹰术仍代代相传。由此可推知训鹰术是当地传统文化的一部分。故选A。

4.What is necessary for a falcon if its wings get damaged?

A Developing its hunting ability.

B Facing the threat of target animals.

C Being brought to a private hospital.

D Replacing its damaged feather quickly.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段“Each of a falcon’s feathers is important for its ability to fly, necessitating careful feather replacement after fights.”和“If these damaged feathers remain, it can cause loss or reduction of the bird’s fitness”可知,猎鹰的每一根羽毛对它的飞行能力都很重要,因此在战斗后需要仔细更换羽毛,如果不更换,会对猎鹰的健康不利。故选D。