
At least 14 people were killed, including seven children, after days of heavy rains caused flooding and landslides in the southeastern Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. Rain showers began Thursday, leading to deadly landslides in the region. The volume of rain registered in the last 48 hours was the highest on record in Angra dos Reis, according to the local government.

Officials said on Saturday that a landslide in the town of Paraty killed at least eight people— a father and seven of his children—ages 2 to 17. A seventh child was rescued and transported to a hospital, local officials added.

At least four other people were injured—none seriously—after seven houses were hit by landslides in the coastal community of Ponta Negra, according to officials in Paraty. More than 22 neighborhoods were suffering flooding. About 70 families were displaced. Their houses were at risk of being flooded so that they had to leave. In Mesquita, a 38-year-old man was electrocuted to death by falling power lines, after three days of heavy rainfall. In the city of Angra dos Reis, a 4-year-old girl and a teenager were killed and at least nine people were missing. Five people were rescued.

Rio de Janeiro state firefighters and civil defense authorities are sent to the affected cities to help rescue people. The Civil Defense does not have an estimate on how many people are missing so far. Brazil’s Interior Development Ministry said that Colonel Alexandre Lucas, the National Secretary for Civil Defense and Protection, is traveling to the regions’ most affected areas on Saturday.


1.What’s the leading cause of deaths in the region?

A The heavy rain.

B The flooding.

C The landslides.

D The local government.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。 根据文章第一段的“leading to deadly landslides in the region”以及第二段你的“a landslide in the town of Paraty killed at least eight people”可知,造成该地区人员死亡的主要原因是山体滑坡。故选C。

2.What does the underlined word “displaced” probably mean?

A Saved.

B Separated.

C Forced out.

D Settled down.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据该词所在句的前一句“More than 22 neighborhoods were suffering flooding.”(超过22个社区遭受洪水侵袭)以及后一句“Their houses were at risk of being flooded so that they had to leave.”(他们的房屋有被淹没的危险,所以他们不得不离开)可知,大约70个家庭被迫撤离。故选C。

3.What led to the death of the 38-year-old man in Mesquita?

A The rainfall.

B The lines.

C The wind.

D The electric shock.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“In Mesquita, a 38-year-old man was electrocuted to death by falling power lines”可知,那名男子是触电死亡的。故选D。

4.What will happen in the most affected areas?

A More official rescue teams will arrive.

B The missing people will be found soon.

C Alexandre Lucas will settle down there.

D A new secretary will travel on Saturday.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句“Rio de Janeiro state firefighters and civil defense authorities are sent to the affected cities to help rescue people.”可知,里约热内卢州的消防队员和民防当局被派往受灾城市帮助救援,即更多的官方救援队将抵达受灾最严重的地区。故选A。