
Since Russia’s war with Ukraine, UNESCO says it’s verified damage to at least 53 cultural sites in the country. The organization says it assesses damage reported in the media or by Ukrainian officials and has a system to monitor main Ukrainian sites and monuments via satellite imagery. “Our experts continue to verify each report and it is feared that other sites will be added to this list,” a UNESCO spokesperson said. As of March 30, UNESCO said, the confirmed damaged sites, located in several regions across Ukraine, include 29 religious sites, 16 historic buildings, four museums and four monuments.

When the war began, UNESCO took some emergency measures in order to best protect these cultural sites. It held regular online meetings with World Heritage site managers, museum directors, national monument officials and local heritage protection associations in Ukraine to provide expertise and practical advice. UNESCO says it has experts available 24/7 to respond to emergencies.

“We assist them in identifying safe havens(安全处所) in which to store items which can be moved; and in assessing and strengthening fire fighting procedures,” the spokesperson said. The agency says it has also communicated with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov to reiterate(重申) that heritage sites are obligated to be protected and sent him location data of the heritage sites in Ukraine.

According to the Hague Convention in 1954, if cultural sites are marked with blue shields, it means they are under the protection of the convention. UNESCO said that since the war between Russia and Ukraine broke out, it has taken actions, including strengthening protection of historical, cultural heritage to avoid intentional or accidental damage. 


1.Why will the experts go on verifying the report?

A More cultural sites may be damaged.

B The media gave detailed information.

C Some museums will be rebuilt soon.

D Ukrainian officials like telling lies.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第一段“Our experts continue to verify each report and it is feared that other sites will be added to this list”可知专家们认为可能会有更多的文化古迹被破坏,因此要继续核实。故选A。

2.What did UNESCO do to protect these cultural sites?

A It hired new museum directors.

B It paid the monument officials.

C It provided advice to Ukraine.

D It sent experts to Russia.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段“It held regular online meetings with World Heritage site managers, museum directors, national monument officials and local heritage protection associations in Ukraine to provide expertise and practical advice.”可知联合国教科文组织定期与乌克兰的世界遗产管理人员、博物馆馆长、国家纪念碑官员和地方遗产保护协会举行在线会议,以提供专业知识和实用建议。故选C。

3.UNESCO did all the following EXCEPT for _________.

A finding places to keep historical items

B urging the both sides to end the war soon

C telling Russian officials positions of the sites

D preventing cultural sites from catching fire

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句可知,联合国教科文组织帮助乌克兰寻找保存文物的安全地方,并加强消防程序;根据最后一段的“sent him location data of the heritage sites in Ukraine”可知该组织告知了俄罗斯官员关于遗址的位置。只有B项未被提到。故选B。

4.What can be an effective method of protecting cultural sites?

A Marking the sites with blue shields.

B Telling countries the results of wars.

C Making up the Hague Convention.

D Collecting enough location data.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“if cultural sites are marked with blue shields, it means they are under the protection of the convention”可知标有蓝盾标识的文化遗址受公约保护,即要使文化遗址受到保护,可以用蓝盾加以标识。故选A。