澳大利亚4月1日起禁止家庭作业 开玩笑吧?
澳大利亚4月1日起禁止家庭作业 开玩笑吧?

Leave your books at school, put down your pens and pencils at 3:30 pm! A new law(法律) has banned(禁止) homework for Australian students. The new rule starts on April 1, 2022.

Wait a minute, is there something familiar(熟悉的) about the day? Yes, it’s April Fools’ Day. This is just one of the many pranks(恶作剧) that will be played in schools, homes, businesses this April Fools’ Day.   ▲  

There are many different stories about April Fools’ Day. Some people think it started in France in 1564. The New Year started at Easter(复活节) at that time. And Easter is often in April. Then the king made January 1 the New Year’s Day. But some people didn’t listen to the king. They clung to the old ways. These people were called “April Fools”.  


1.What prank does this text use to tell us the topic(话题)?

A Australian students.

B Books and pens.

C A new law.

D Easter.


2.What can be put in ▲ ?

A What do we do on April Fool’s Day?

B Who are called “April Fools”?

C So how do we play pranks?

D So how did April Fool’s Day begin?


3.When did the New Year start in 1564 in France?

A In August.

B In January.

C In June.

D In April.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段“Some people think it started in France in 1564. The New Year started at Easter(复活节) at that time. And Easter is often in April.”1564年的法国,新年从复活节开始,而复活节是在四月,故那时的新年是在四月。故选D。

4.What does the underlined part “clung to the old ways” mean?

A They did not like the old sayings.

B They wanted to start Easter on January 1.

C They thought what the king said was right.

D They thought New Year started at Easter.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段“Then the king made January 1 the New Year’s Day. But some people didn’t listen to the king.”可知国王把1月1日定为新年,但这些人不听国王的话,也就是他们仍然认为新年从复活节开始。故选D。

5.What does the text mainly talk about?

A April Fools’ Day.

B Homework banning.

C Australian laws.

D Easter.
