
The American state of Wyoming has created a tool to help citizens collect animals killed in road accidents. The tool permits people to legally claim the animals, known as roadkill, for food. The program also aims to collect data to help officials decide on measures to improve road safety. State wildlife and highway officials added the system to a state-operated app(应用程序) that provides information on road conditions and traffic.

Users can register sightings of roadkill accidents and seek permission to remove the animals within the state’s rules and guidelines. Wyoming defines “road killed wildlife” as any deer, antelope, elk, moose, wild bison or wild turkey that was killed in an accidental vehicle crash. State rules require the full animal remains to be collected. For safety reasons, roadkill may not be picked up after dark, along interstate(洲际的) highways or in areas where road repairs are happening.

The app provides state officials with data on the number of roadkill accidents and where the crashes are happening. This helps wildlife and transportation officials decide where to put up warning signs for animal crossings.

Officials estimate at least 6,000 animals are killed on state roads in Wyoming each year. “That’s quite a lot,” said Sara DiRienzo. She is a spokesperson for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. She added, “And we know that the majority of those are mule deer.”

Mule deer live in the western half of North America and are generally bigger than the whitetail deer found across the whole continent. Wyoming is home to about 400,000 mule deer. The animals are widely hunted across the state. But dry climate and disappearing living environments have led to a nearly 30 percent reduction in the state’s mule deer population over the past 30 years. “Mule deer already are struggling because of a number of factors. Roadkill collisions don’t help that,” DiRienzo said.


1.Why was the program added to an official app?

A To provide information on road conditions and traffic.

B To provide legal support of collecting killed animals.

C To know the migratory routes of wildlife.

D To help further improve road safety.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段“The program also aims to collect data to help officials decide on measures to improve road safety.”可知该程序还旨在收集数据,帮助官员决定改善道路安全的措施。这也是该系统被添加到官方应用程序上的主要因素。故选D。

2.Which of the following is allowed on roads in Wyoming?

A Registering deal records of road killed animals.

B Picking up dead animals when the road is under repair.

C Removing road killed wildlife with official permission.

D Picking up road killed wildlife along highways in the darkness.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段“Users can register sightings of roadkill accidents and seek permission to remove the animals within the state’s rules and guidelines.”可知,用户可以在该州的规则和指导方针范围内登记目击道路交通事故的情况,并寻求许可转移这些动物。由此说明人们在获得官方许可的情况下才可以转移路杀野生动物。故选C。

3.What can we infer from the data of Wyoming roadkill accidents?

A Those roadkill accidents often happen in the daytime.

B Officials still feel powerless about the roadkill accidents.

C Warning signs for animal crossings can ensure the road safety.

D Mule deer are involved in more accidents than any other wildlife.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第四段“And we know that the majority of those are mule deer.”可知,根据官方统计数据,路杀野生动物中大部分是骡鹿。由此推断骡鹿卷入的事故比任何其他野生动物都多。故选D。

4.What mainly caused a decrease in mule deer numbers in the past thirty years? a.The local climate became dry. b.Roadkill accidents happened more often. c.Their living places disappeared. d.The wide hunting occurred in Wyoming.

A a;b

B a;c

C b;c

D b;d

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段“But dry climate and disappearing living environments have led to a nearly 30 percent reduction in the state’s mule deer population over the past 30 years.”可知在过去30年里,干燥的气候和消失的生活环境导致该州的骡鹿数量减少了近30%,即这两个因素是主因。故选B。