
Les Ansley has developed an unusual kind of gin—a clear alcoholic(酒精的) drink that is flavored with fruits and seeds. Some of this gin’s ingredients(原料) have come from the waste of elephants, which makes the gin different from other drinks.

Les Ansley got some of the ingredients by going into the South African wilderness. He found elephant waste, smelled it, and then stored it in a bag to use when making the expensive alcoholic drink. The elephants find the herbs(香草) and fruit that give the gin its taste. “They get to choose the best leaves and the best fruits and the best flowers and the best plants.” Ansley said.

In 2018, the drink was first available in the United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Taiwan of China. It was named Indlovu gin, after a local word for elephant. Ansley and his wife Paula sold about 1,500 bottles a month. Since the start of this year, two of South Africa’s biggest sellers, Woolworths and Pick ‘n’ Pay carry it.

The couple give 15 percent of the money they make from selling the gin to an elephant orphanage—a place that cares for young elephants that have lost their parents. This is another reason why buyers might be interested in the product, besides its unusual nature.

But how does the gin made from elephant waste taste? A buyer described it as “earthy”. “But that’s what makes it different,” he added.


1.Why is Les Ansley’s gin special?

A Because it is made from elephant waste.

B Because it is developed by Les Ansley.

C Because it is a clear alcoholic drink.

D Because it is flavored with fruits and seeds.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句 “Some of this gin’s ingredients(原料) have come from the waste of elephants, which makes the gin different from other drinks.”可知,制作这种酒的一些原料来自大象的粪便,而这让这种酒与其他的酒不一样。故选A。

2.Les Ansley did many things except_________.

A finding the waste

B smelling the waste

C storing the waste

D selling the waste

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句 “He found elephant waste, smelled it, and then stored it in a bag to use when making the expensive alcoholic drink.”可知Les Ansley找到大象粪便,闻一闻,然后收集起来用于后期制作这种高端酒使用,他并不出售大象粪便。故选D。

3.Where couldn’t you buy Indlovu gin in 2018?

A In America.

B In Finland.

C In Canada.

D In China.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句 “In 2018, the drink was first available in the United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Taiwan of China.”可知,在2018年这种酒在美国、加拿大、德国、瑞士、日本和中国台湾出售,因此当时不能在芬兰买到。故选B。

4.The underlined word “orphanage” means_________in Chinese.

A 医院

B 住所

C 孤儿院

D 养老院

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的解释 “a place that cares for young elephants that have lost their parents”一个照顾失去父母的小象的地方,失去父母的人或动物就是“孤儿”,由此推断orphanage指的是孤儿院。故选C。

5.Which of the following might make people like Indlovu gin?

A Its high price.

B Its famous sellers.

C Its unusual taste.

D Its difference from others.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。结合第一段的 “which makes the gin different from other drinks”,第四段的 “its unusual nature”以及最后一段的“But that’s what makes it different” 可知这种酒很特别,由此可推断人们喜欢它是由于它与其他酒的不同。故选D。