
Brandon Dahl is still learning how to talk, but he’s already a life-saving hero. While the rest of his family was asleep, he was the only one aware of the fire quickly growing inside their living room, the very place where the child was sleeping. He was staying there because he had been sick, and his parents wanted him closer to their room.

Though the fire was growing around him, this brave little boy made his way to his parents room to let them know that something was wrong. “He tapped me on my feet in bed and was coughing and saying, ‘Mama, hot. Mama, hot,’” his mom, Kayla Dahl said. “I turned around. I looked and all I saw was the fire in the doorway.”

Kayla began to scream, “fire,” quickly waking up Nathan. As a volunteer fireman, he first expected to jump into action to save both his family and their house. But his plans shifted when he saw that the fire had already grown to 6 feet tall. “My heart just dropped,” he said. “In my head, I already knew this house was gone. We had to get out.”

Using the escape plan they’d practiced with their kids many times before, they got out in less than a minute, swiftly making them to their neighbor’s yard across the street. While waiting for firefighters to arrive, Nathan turned off the gas in their house from the outside to lower the chance of an explosion. But as the winds picked up, he feared they were about to have a new problem. “I just went to Kayla, who is on the phone with 911, and I told them the dangerous situation,” he said.

Thankfully, nine different fire departments got there soon after, stopping the spread of the fire before it could reach any other homes or buildings. Unfortunately, though, it was much too late for the Dahl’s home. Every single thing they owned, other than what they were wearing, was completely destroyed, including both of their vehicles.


1.Where was Brandon Dahl when the fire happened?

A In his bedroom.

B In the doorway.

C In the living room.

D In his parents’ room.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段的“While the rest of his family was asleep, he was the only one aware of the fire quickly growing inside their living room, the very place where the child was sleeping.”可知,当布兰登·达尔的家人都在睡觉时,他是唯一一个意识到火势在他们的客厅迅速蔓延的人,而这正是这个孩子睡觉的地方。由此可知当时他在客厅睡觉,故选C。

2.What did Brandon Dahl do after he saw the fire?

A He cried out at that time.

B He tried to run away quickly.

C He was brave to pull the alarm.

D He reported it to his mother in his way.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段“He tapped me on my feet in bed and was coughing and saying, ‘Mama, hot. Mama, hot,’” 可知,达尔在床上拍了拍妈妈的脚,咳嗽着说:“妈妈,热。妈妈,热。”由此说明他以自己的方式向妈妈报告情况,故选D。

3.Why did Nathan’s heart drop at that moment?

A Because he found it hard to get out.

B Because he was unable to put through 911.

C Because he realized more problems coming.

D Because he thought it impossible to save his house.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段“In my head, I already knew this house was gone. We had to get out.”可知,在内森的脑海里,他已经知道这所房子保不住了。他们必须离开。故选D。

4.What does the underlined part “a new problem” probably refer to?

A The strong wind.

B The possible spread of the fire.

C The family’s dangerous situation.

D Too few fire departments’ coming.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据前面的“But as the winds picked up”可知风力增强了,内森担心会有一个新的问题出现;结合后文的“I told them the dangerous situation”以及“Thankfully, nine different fire departments got there soon after, stopping the spread of the fire”可知,内森所担心的新的问题就是指“火势的蔓延”。故选B。