
Lisala Folau is 57 years old. He lives on the island of Atata in Tonga(汤加). He is disabled— he cannot move easily. 

Atata is about 50 kilometers from a volcano(火山). The volcano broke out last week. It brought very big waves(海浪). Folau was on the beach then. He saw a big wave. He was very scared. But he did not have time to run away.

The wave took him away into the open sea. But no one was around to help him. He swam for more than 27 hours in the sea. It was not easy for him. After a long time, Folau got to the island of Tongatapu. It is 13 kilometers from his home island.

Folau said he would love to go back to Atata one day. But now it is not possible. The wave destroyed everything and there are no houses. Only a church(教堂) is there.


1.What can we know about Lisala Folau?

A He is in his sixties.

B He travels to Tonga.

C He has difficulty in moving.

D He is studying a volcano.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第一段的 “He is disabled—he cannot move easily. ”可知,莉萨拉·福劳是一名残疾人,即行动不便。故选C。

2.Where was Folau when the big wave came?

A At home.

B In the sea.

C In the shop.

D On the beach.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Folau was on the beach then.”可知,海啸来临时,福劳但是在海滩上。故选D。

3.How long did Folau stay in the sea?

A For 57 hours.

B For 50 hours.

C For 27 hours.

D For 13 hours.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段的 “He swam for more than 27 hours in the sea.”可知他在海里游了27个小时。故选C。

4.Where is Folau now according to(根据) the text?

A At home.

B In the hospital.

C On the island of Atata.

D On the island of Tongatapu.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段的 “After a long time, Folau got to the island of Tongatapu. ”可知,福劳到达了汤加塔布岛。故选D。

5.The underlined word “destroyed” probably means_____ in Chinese.

A 涌起

B 拍打

C 摧毁

D 淹没

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据最后一段的 “there are no houses”以及 “Only a church is there.”可知,那里没有房屋,仅剩下一座教堂,由此猜测海浪把一切都“摧毁”了。故选C。