
16-year-old Cory Hemberger was playing hockey(冰球) on the frozen Lake Afton with his friend when he heard screams for help. A 13-year-old boy had fallen through the ice and his friend was trying to reach him. “He was screaming for help. His friend tried to help him and he ended up going in with him,” said Cory.

He rushed towards the two with his hockey stick. “I was kind of just in the moment. My adrenaline(肾上腺素) was going. My heart was beating fast, so I just went for it and just hoped God was with me,” Cory said. Cory said he heard the ice cracking under him, but was able to get the two boys out without falling in by using his hockey stick.

Cory’s mother, Lisa Hemberger, didn’t learn what had happened until the next day when she saw a post on Facebook. “Not all superheroes wear capes(斗篷), some play ice hockey,” the post said. Lisa said: “I’m like, Oh, my kids play ice hockey, let me look at that.”

She soon realized the message was posted by the mother of one of the boys that Cory had saved. She reached out to the mother Amanda to say it was her son Cory who saved the boys. But she said she didn’t need anything in return. “She wanted to just thank me for his heroic efforts, and that her son’s okay, and without Cory being there she doesn’t know what would’ve happened,” Lisa said.


1.Where was Cory when he heard screams?

A At home.

B Near the lake.

C On the ice.

D In his friend’s house.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段可知,16岁的科里·亨伯格(Cory Hemberger)和他的朋友在冰冻的阿夫顿湖(Lake Afton)上打冰球时,他们听到了呼救声。故选C。

2.How did Cory feel when he went to the boys?

A Crazy.

B Strange.

C Nervous.

D Shocked.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段“In the moment, my adrenaline(肾上腺素) was going; my heart was beating fast.”可知当时科里肾上腺素在升高,心跳得很快,即他很紧张,故选C。

3.What played an important role in the save?

A Lake Afton.

B Lisa’s capes.

C Cory’s hockey.

D The hockey stick.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“but was able to get the two boys out without falling in by using his hockey stick.”可知用上冰球棍,科里可以把两个男孩救出来,同时自己也不会掉下去。由此说明在救援过程中,冰球棍起了重要作用。故选D。

4.Who put a post about Cory’s story on Facebook?

A Cory.

B Cory’s mother.

C One of the saved boys.

D The mother of a saved boy.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段“She soon realized the message was posted by the mother of one of the boys that Cory had saved.”可知,这个贴子是科里救下的一个男孩的母亲发的,故选D。

5.What was Lisa trying to say in the last paragraph?

A Cory wasn’t there.

B Lisa’s son was okay.

C Cory saved the two boys.

D Amanda was very grateful.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段“She wanted to just thank me for his heroic efforts, and that her son’s okay, and without Cory being there she doesn’t know what would’ve happened,”可知丽萨说那位母亲想感谢自己儿子的英勇行为,她儿子没事,要是当时科里没在场,都不知道会发生什么。即那位母亲对丽萨的儿子充满感激之情。故选D。