
In Sweden, smokers(吸烟者) often leave cigarette butts(烟蒂) on the ground. So many cities have problems with cigarette butts. They are everywhere. People must clean the cigarette butts. The cleaning needs a lot of money. It said that a Swedish city would spend 2.2 million dollars every year on cleaning its streets.

A Swedish company has an idea. Birds will help clean the streets. It will save 75% of the money. The company makes a special box. Birds put cigarette butts in it. Then the birds can get some food.

The birds are crows(乌鸦). They are very _________. They learn from each other. They know how to clean the streets. However, the best idea is still not to leave cigarette butts on the ground.


1.Where does the story happen?

A In Sweden.

B In Senegal.

C In Singapore.

D In Switzerland.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段“In Sweden, smokers(吸烟者) often leave cigarette butts(烟蒂) on the ground. So many cities have problems with cigarette butts. They are everywhere.”可知,该事件发生在Sweden(瑞典)。故选A。

2._________ bring(s) Swedish cities problems.

A Birds

B A company

C Swedish people

D Smokers


3.What may crows get if they put cigarette butts in the special box?

A Clothes.

B Boxes.

C Bread.

D Money.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段“The company makes a special box. Birds put cigarette butts in it. Then the birds can get some food.”可知这家公司制造了一种特殊的盒子。鸟把烟蒂放在里面。然后他们可以得到一些食物,故它们可能会得到面包。故选C。

4.Which word can be put in _________?

A cute

B smart

C lovely

D boring

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第三段“They learn from each other. They know how to clean the streets.”可知这些乌鸦相互学习,它们知道如何清理街道,即它们非常“聪明”。故选B。

5.To keep the streets clean, the writer thinks that _________?

A more birds should come to help

B people should stop selling cigarettes

C should stop smoking from now on

D people should leave cigareete butts in the right place

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一句“However, the best idea is still not to leave cigarette butts on the ground.”可知作者认为最好的方法还是不要把烟蒂丢到地上,即应该把烟蒂丢在正确的地方,故选D。