
Methuselah is an old fish. It lives in an aquarium(水族馆) in San Francisco, US. Methuselah is the name of a very old person in the book Bible.

This fish is around 90 years old. Scientists say that it is the oldest aquarium fish in the world. They brought it from Australia to the US in 1938. The fish is 1.2 meters long. It weighs around 18 kilograms. It eats other fish.

This kind of fish has both lungs and gills(鳃). There are few of this fish in the sea. It often lives in the fresh water(淡水). Scientists say that it is the animal between fish and amphibians. An amphibian can live on land and in water, too. For example, a frog.


1.What is the text mainly about?

A A Bible story.

B An old person.

C A kind of fish.

D An America aquarium.


2.Where was Methuselah from?

A The UK.

B Australia.

C Thailand.

D The USA.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段“They brought it from Australia to the US in 1938.”可知,1938年,科学家把它从澳大利亚带到了美国,即这条鱼来自澳大利亚。故选B。

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提及) in Paragraph 2?

A How old Methuselah is.

B How long Methuselah is.

C How heavy Methuselah is.

D Why Methuselah lives long.


4.Fish like Methuselah in the nature often live _________.

A on land

B in the sea

C in the river

D in the air

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段“It often lives in the fresh water(淡水).”可知,它通常生活在淡水中,河水属于淡水。故选C。

5.The underlined word “amphibian” means _________ in Chinese.

A 野生动物

B 圈养动物

C 爬行动物

D 两栖动物

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据第三段“An amphibian can live on land and in water, too.”可知amphibian既能生活在陆地上,又能生活在水里,即为两栖动物,故选D。